
Why does everybody think that anime is emo?

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Everybody at my school thinks that anime is really emo, why is that?




  1. I don't think anime is emo! They probably think so because most anime characters are designed to look cool or weird or somethin' like that with the emo-like hairstyles and all! Plus, they probably like both emo and anime and wishful thinking makes them hope that anime is eeeeemooooo! Ka answer hi a tha tawk em? ! Hrethiam em?!?!!

  2. It's not, and they probably think that beacuse alot of the hairdos look "emo" style but they've been like that for the longest time. Anime and manga is for anyone

  3. Because they do get it i dont know everyone at my school likes anime so  

  4. Because of the exaggerated over-emotional expressions of the characters.

  5. cuz there all ignorant

    douche bags


  6. Becuase allot of the characters dress and look emo. And in most recent popular animes ( examples: Bleach, Naruto) there is always a whiney agnsty teenager. and there are also allot of characters with pale white skin,  dark emo hair, and skinny tight cloth and these are usually the main important characters.

  7. Hmm, sounds like some of these people don't have a very good insight into anime! A great deal of anime is actually the opposite, with light/romantic/comedic themes.  There are more serious styles of anime, like Death Note, which are quite gothic, and series that leave you feeling quite depressed like N.G.E and Blue Sub 6, but i'd hardly call them emo :P

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