
Why does everybody wanna beat Goku?

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I mean every place I see like Y&A,Youtube,Forums they wanna beat Goku.So far Goku won all arguments because of his powers and because he has a lot of Fans and the main reason is He really is the Strongest but they just dont give up they come up with new stuff all the time.Here`s some examples:

Goku vs Superman

Goku vs Vegito

Goku vs Gogeta

Goku vs Mystic Gohan

Goku vs Naruto Characters

Goku vs Bleach Characters

Goku vs Anybody they can think of

So Why does most people do that is it just because He`s the Strongest.I mean Whats so wrong with that.Somebody is gotta be the Strongest




  1. Are you, like in love with Goku or something? How the h**l can he beat a version of himself fused with someone nearly as powerful as he is? It's impossible.

    Here's a short list of people who CAN beat Goku:

    Doomsday: everytime he is killed he comes back, and can not be killed the same way again,

    The Spectre, Ghost Rider: they're basically the same character, and they are the most powerful magical beings in their respective universes,

    Professor X: can simply blank his mind,

    The Hulk: he's the strongest there is,

    The Scarlet Witch: she can simply alter reality so that Goku was on Planet Vegita when it blew up,

    The Green Lantern (Hal Jordan or Ion),

    Doctor Strange.

    I could go on, but I don't feel like it.

  2. Because its' fun to imagine things that cant be seen on screen or even in books in most cases. Its' a chance for the fans to express their opinions and to argue about what they think and would like to see. Its' just harmles fun, so sit back and enjoy it for what its worth.


  3. Just forget about them dude people just cant accept that their fav character isent the strongest so thats why they will always come up with this stuff

  4. I do not like Goku at all. but I love DragonBall Z becouse of Balma and Vegeta. I think Goku is to stupped and chould not right his own name if asked.

    I think At of all any one of the DC Comic careters could beat Goku

  5. yeah probally because he`s the Strongest

  6. who is  GOKU

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