
Why does everyone ask about why the english invaded ireland when everyone knows writly it was done for power?

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why do people ask why england invaded ireland when we all know they done it to gain more power..ireland had never had just one ruler we were a free country until england invaded it took us eight hundred years to re-gain 26 out of 32 countries and yet still the history is written wrong THE IRA DIDNT FORM FOR THE GOOD OF THEIR HEALTH PPL !!!!!!




  1. Firstly, it was the British who invaded Ireland, with most of the land in the north being stolen by Scottish aristocrats (I know that won't suit your hate-filled mind, but it's true) Secondly, to be rational about this, it was the government and a few rich people that did it, in order to gain more power and wealth.

    But hey, don't let that stop you from holding today's general population of England responsible, forever more. I mean it. I want you to continue hating every single one of the 50 million of us until it eats you up inside. More power to the bigots is what I say!

  2. I dont understand what the question is.

  3. Shannan, maybe its because people aren't really aware of how, or why, exactly it happened? Sometimes a lot of the questions you see repeated are because the subject is coming up in school and they just don't want to study...Y!A is a good place for quick easy answers that one doesn't have to work for.

    Sometimes, with older people its a matter of serious study....<shrug> like me...the history of the invasion of the English into Ireland wasn't one that I had in school in any depth. We got the facts, but not the causes/effects.

  4. Ireland was invaded by Henry II originally because he was worried about the growing power of the Norman lords who were building themselves a power base in ireland.  Naturally it was to do with power, whoever suggested that it wasn't?  However, it was a long time before the english conquered the whole of ireland, for several centuries their influence was limited to 'the pale' the area around Dublin.  it wasn't until the 16th century that the english, under Henry VIII, really extended their conquest to the rest of Ireland.

  5. and your point is? ahh you read a history book well done and everyone  didn't  ask i didn't lets look forward not backward

  6. Yes England invaded Ireland for the new land and resources it would bring, but what the English didn't foresee was the number of times the native Irish would rebel, the measures the English used to quell the rebellion's still have an impact on Ireland to this very day. The plantation of Ulster by James I in 1607 saw the English move Protestants from England and Scotland to Ulster giving them the rich Farming lands they took from the native catholics, the fact that 400 years later the two sides were in conflict proves the fact. There has always been conflict in Ireland while the English have been here until the modern era, which seems now to have seen some normality restored, but its conflict the English must take the responsibility for.

  7. Power and land, Yes thats why they did it like it says in all history books. Don't know who asks why?

  8. As I study the history of medieval Europe, pretty much most everything was done for power of some feudal lord or king.  

    As an American, I do feel that the study of the history of the British Isles is not tied into our history enough. When I was in school, the study of Western Civilization is rather condensed. We study some of the conflicts in that happened in Europe, and then the next year in school the study would be on American history.  What gets overlooked is how America was settled by different groups of disidents from Great Britian and Ireland, more than any other countries in our early history.  Other immigrants didn't come here in mass until later.  Did get me wrong, during the colonial period Germans, French, Dutch, and others did come here but they were small in number compared to the English, Irish, and Scots. Our revolution, our constitution, our early laws, were all a direct result of the happenings in Great Britian and Ireland.  As an American, its makes me proud how we've been able to live in relative peace with one another while conflict still exist in the old country.

  9. The invader that had the biggest effect on Ireland was the Christian Faith. I don't hear of many Irish complaining about that now, despite the restrictions on freedom imposed by the Catholic Church (The right to have an abortion being one example of a freedom denied to the Irish).

  10. The rest of us in England were too busy trying to earn a crust to invade or protest it.  The English that were invading were picking our pockets to do it, like Charles did so he could invade France!

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