
Why does everyone call Obama "Black"?

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Obviously everyone knows he's bi-racial. Can't we just call him white then, too?




  1. He's more red to me. Red, as in Red China. As in communist.  

  2. My great-grandfather was half Aboriginal. He still got copped up into a stolen generations camp for 12 years.

  3. Because OBAMA prefers to identify with his black heritage and not his white heritage.  HE said so in his book.  

  4. Obama identifies himself as black. If is the rule of thumb that we respect bi-racial/multiracial people's identity and refer to them as what they refer to themselves as. It is based on what culture they most identify themselves as. I'm multi-racial (black, irish, italian, & native american) but everyone (including myself) refers to me as black, but I'm not running for president either. I think some of the white community is having a hard time dealing with a BLACK man that has a very good chance of being the most important man in this country. If he was a crack dealer, black people could have ALL of him.  

  5. There's some guy on here that puts "Ebony and Ivory President!" after everything he says, and it annoys the living sh*t out of me.  But no not everybody calls me black.  As you can tell from my picture, I recently pulled a Michael Jackson.

  6. He identifies with the black community.

  7. it's called the one drop rule, I learned about it in Psychology.

  8. Sure you can! However the Great US Constitution in its Racist manner has decided to make it an issue for reasons of separation! Racism is built into the Constitution its called the "One Drop Rule". One drop of Black (Blood) OR DNA from Man of Color makes you Person of Color. Obviously the "Dominant GENE".

    Obama/Biden 2008!

    Ebony & Ivory Presidency!

  9. I agree.  He was raised by a white mother and white grandparents.  He only met his African father once that he remembers.  However, he is half black and people recognize that before they recognize white.  I guess, a person can only be white if that is the color of their skin.

  10. It is just people dont look past the skin

  11. it's just better than saying GRAY

    OBADEN 08

  12. Well in that case why not "blite" or "whack"?

    He obviously takes more after his father in looks. If socially he's probably always been seen, and sadly "treated," as black, then his social identity is largely black.

    (Barry, I think I've seen that person or someone state is in reference to both Obama *and* Biden together...)

  13. Sure

    but then he would drop to about 20% in the polls

  14. Because he CHOSE to be his own words on the subject in his own words.  

    He is, in fact, more Arabic than African but affirmative action programs are mostly avialable to blacks and I'm sure that didn't influence oh bummer's decision to be seen as black; oh no, not one little bit!  (cough, cough).


  15. Yea sucks now her going to be blamed for being a slave and a slave owner.... the guy can't catch a break.


  17. Because we all have eyes,

    Why does everyone call you stupid?

  18. in a 60 minutes interview, they asked him


    obama said, "thats what they think"

  19. He's actually what you term "Mulatto".

    1. the offspring of one white parent and one black parent: not in technical use.  

    2. a person whose ancestry is a mixture of ***** and Caucasian.  

    –adjective 3. of a light-brown color.  

    I don't believe that bi-racial is the right term here.  Perhaps Afro-American but that would imply he was born in AFRICA which he was NOT.  So you are wrong to label him that too.

    Let's just say he is an AMERICAN okay????

    So how about a THUMBS UP for a change?  Especially if you just learned something here.....

    You know what?  We have so many people up here that are multi-cultural we don't know WHAT THEY ARE.

    So that is what we call them.  In fact, us whites are minorities and it doesn't really bug us much.  We all have our pockets of communities and we share our schools and hospitals and shopping malls....and we all live in harmony.  We live in OUR great land because of all it affords us and we don't want to see it taken down because of...well for any reason.

  20. Here we go again, we call him black because that is how he chooses to refer to himself, who are we to change that? he knows he is bi- racial, but he choose to be black. In case you didn't know a child usually takes the race of the father, think about it( Halley Berry, Lenny Cravat,Mirrah Carey,Nicole Richie,) I could go on and on.He made his choice, so live with it.

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