
Why does everyone call scene people posers and lables?

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I find it very rude, especially when im getting a scene haircut.




  1. Everyone is scene. There are people at school that sag their pants. I'm pretty sure that most of them never went to a correctional facility.

    Same with the people that act like they cut their wrist.

    I'm not saying it's wrong, but be expected to be called names. The only reason why people that sag don't get called sellouts, or posers, etc., is because most people are scared of them.

  2. everyone labels evevryone, there are the









    gear heads

    and the list goes on don't take it seriously you know who you are so don't worry about what others think!


  3. What is a scene person?  We all copy off of each other.  Big deal.  If you like something, do it.  You would have to make your own clothes to not be a "Poser"

  4. not everyone does..

  5. Scene hair wouldnt look good on you!. usually people with scene hair are emo and well i guess emo people are posers and labels.  hope i helped

  6. its because so many people want to look scene but they arent really scene. like if you only have the hair but still wear preppy clothes and makeup. i personally love everything about the scene style and i have for a couple years so i'm not just following the trend. but i wouldnt get my hair cut scene and scene makeup cause doing all the overnight is really poserish. i'm more of a preppy person but with a little bit of scene in me. like i usually wear skinny jeans and a band shirt of a vintage shirt. but everyone thinks i'm super preppy and stuck up when they see me.

  7. because it is a label.  

  8. Because "scene" kids usually are poseurs.

  9. People call "scene kids" posers because they sort of are, in a way. There are too many people out there that are already scene. Most of the people who are scene only dress like that because they think it's cool and it's original. But it's not, since WAY TOO many people dress like that.

    I don't think you getting a scene haircut is going to affect the way people think about you. It's not like you're going for the full package.  

  10. Because it IS a label! DUH!

  11. dont call it a "scene" haircut grrrr labels are sooo annoying scene kids are "emo" kids gone retarted......its a stupid myspace thing where they take pictures at weird angles and say things like "brootal" and "rawr". and yeah, labels are rude. but get over it.

  12. Because those people probably feel that it is a result of a lack of individualism. I think that those people who call you a poser are just annoyed and bored with society for being conformists. Of course this is just guess work, but I feel that these people seek adventure and anarchy and nonconformity so in a sense, the "scene people" who all (in their eyes) look the same, are the "bad guys" or "on the opposite team". If that even makes sense. Just be yourself and quit worrying about what other people say; nothing but sticks and stones.

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