
Why does everyone desire others to be below them in status?

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Ego rules the world. The happiest man is he who has others to follow and obey. Political leaders thus become haughty.




  1. Put simply, the worse off everyone else is, the better off you are by comparison.

    There are many reasons to want others to fail or be worse off in any given aspect than you, and most commonly it is because by, say, making fun of a loser in class, your faults are easier for others to disregard and your status is less like that of a loser.

    In nature and society, those people/animals in higher positions have better benefits, choices, and security in many ways than those beneath them, so it's as natural to want to keep others lower than you as it is to strive to get ahead of those above you.

    Be careful though, 'Spontaneous Trait Transference' is a documented psychological phenomenon in which traits of someone discussing another can be associated with those traits. Have you ever listened to someone gossip and think about how irritating and undesirable to be around that person is? Or have you ever read a bad review and thought the critic was a total blowhard even though he may have had some valid points? This can be because you associate what a person is talking about to the person him/herself. The same often happens with positive situations - I just gave you some easy to identify ones.

  2. Followers when become blind believers will act upon whatever their leader tells them to do. Their leaders exploit this nature of them to gain everything from them.

    The mad desire to have everyone and everything under control is disastrous because if he has this he will loose self control which would lead to an individuals downfall.

    Maybe the political leaders who practice this may become rich and powerful and happy, but remember, they will be hated by their people who suffer because of them, they are certainly the poorest of the poor when you measure them in the coins of ethical conscience.

  3. It is the pattern of mind. It always thinks of superiority.

  4. They desire to go above the level of others I think & thats not bad to do for yourself, but if they intend to put others "down", then they are jealous or arrogant maybe.

  5. Every one desires so under the influence of the ego.

    Ego rules the world by ruling every individual.

    Political, religious and other types of leaders become haughty due to ego satisfaction.

    I think, in fact happiest man is he, who rules the ego.  

  6. There are people who everyone encourage upward growth.  Your observations are highly questionable.    

  7. superiority is one of the common attitudes of mammals. mammals want to be on the top or be superior because this gives them advantage to resources, security and survival. this is the nature of the mammal kingdom. we developed to be like this by nature.

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