
Why does everyone dislike Vice President Cheney so much?

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Why do people pick on Vice President Cheney so much? People should really give him a break, he is from such a small state (Wyoming) and he was the sole Congressman from that state too (Wyoming has only one Congressman and two US Senators). Everyone knows that President Bush has a hard time making competent decisons even though he is "The Decider." VP Cheney must have been helping him so much over the years, he is so wise and experienced. I'm not being facetious, but can't the Executive Branch use some kind of mind control or brain washing techniques to get these dissidents and detractors of Mr. Cheney under control? Nobody is talking about torture or anything like that, but the intelligence community must have someway to save the Vice President's reputation, he's helped this country so much with 9/11 and the war and all, and now we're in a recession! Its got to be tough to govern under those kind of conditions, let's give the guy a break. To me that seems the best way to go...




  1. The words I would have to use to answer this question would get me permanently kicked off YA!

    so I will leave it to your imagination; since you love Cheney so much I know you have one.

  2. He's straight out of Hollywood casting for a bureaucrat. I can believe that he knew that say, the 9/11 miscreant that was captured on 8/14 -- or, a full 4 weeks ahead of 9/11... was NOT interrogated, because Cheney was enacting a plan, to drive up Oil Prices. We still NEVER LEARNED about the USA's Energy policy, conducted closed-door with Cheney, and NOT GWB.. etc. etc.

    His right hand man, is Scooter Libby, for 2 Bush presidencies.. and Scooter was the WASH DC LOBBYIST/lawyer for one Marc Rich - who got the Pardon from the easily paid-off payola/pardon boy, Bubba Clinton. SOOOO? Scooter Libby and Cheney must have known ALL about Saddam's black market scandal/corruption -- the same that was swept under the rug, from 2003 to 2008.

    He's an evil multi-millionaire, that's made his bank on Back Room dealings, in the name of the People.. and then, parlayed it to the Head of Haliburton.. and then, moved Haliburton into further success at the risk of American GIs, and guided GWB by the nose, ever since he'd offered to SELECT a "running mate" and review prospects for the Young GWB... and guess who won?

  3. His whole career has been back and forth between government and big business, he's still getting money from Halliburton, plus the worth of his shares go up with all the money they're raking in from no-bid contracts in Iraq that he set up. He has a g*y daughter but does NOTHING to promote equal rights. The man is a sleaze. There is no way to save his reputation and he should be impeached alongside Bush.

    And you think we should FORCE people to like him? You clearly don't get the notion of freedom at all.

  4. He probably had the DC Madam killed for her records of him using her prostitutes in the 1990's, he is said to have lasciviously leered at and scared 7 year old girls when his daughters were young, he shot someone in the face and created a stupid illegal war with a torture component and he lies with IV's in a hospital room when he's not on TV.

    He turned the US into a failed corporation.

  5. People don't like Cheney because he lied us into a useless war.

  6. Actually he's from Texas, but moved to Wy because of US election laws which don't allow a states delegates to vote in the general election if both P & VP are from the same state.

  7. because they know very little about this private man

  8. They pick on him beacause he shot a guy in the face.

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