
Why does everyone drive with cancer phones on their ears?

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Don't cancer phones kill bees?




  1. Driving while talking on the cell phone is dangerous, because it's distracting. There is no conclusive proof that cell phones cause cancer or kill bees.

  2. I guess no one cares that their bones get radiation.

  3. I am more concerned about the safety while driving. And for the life of me, I can't figure out what everyone is talking about and to whom on their phones!  I remember it used to be doctors that you might see with a cell phone, getting a call about a patient, etc, but now it is everyone! I have a cell phone that is in my purse to be used in case of an emergency. It has minimum minutes.  I never drive and talk on the phone. I would pull over .  Dialing a phone and not concentrating on driving leads to accidents and therefore injury and deaths of other people. I personally don't care  so much if someone uses a cell phone all the time and  taking the risk of their own health, but when people selfishly put the risk of injury/death to someone else, I get very upset.  And people, it could happen to you!  There have been many accidents that have occured because a cell phone was in use at the time. A tradgedy,indeed.  

  4. Cancer phones? Do you mean the hands free phones? I think alot of people get them so they can have both hands on the wheel. I try not to talk and drive. When I do, I cut it short. In this age, I think vehicle manufacturers need to get with the times and install phones in all cars such that they can be operated by voice.  

  5. I read a study that found that driving while talking on a cell phone is just as dangerous as driving with a .08 BAC. However, it is not the holding a device to your ear that is the problem, it is holding a conversation with another person. Talking with a passenger next to you is just as dangerous as talking to a friend on the cell phone. It distracts your mind from the road.

    Also, there are mixed studies regarding whether cell phones cause cancer. We simply don't know the answer yet, so to be on the safe side, people should only use the speaker phone or an ear piece.  

  6. They kill drivers, passangers, and bystanders too.

    Hang up and drive!

  7. they dont want to believe that they can be harmful to themselves, so they just keep believing that there will be no harm done to them. it's like global warming, the aconomy is trying to make people believe it's not real. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

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