
Why does everyone either believe global warming is real, or that it is a hoax being used to perepetuate global

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governance, or some other alterior motives? Isn't it more possible that it is real but also being used for one or multiple alterior motives? Basically, why is that possibility never thrown around and given a serious look at as the other two are? I can find plenty of information on global warming, or on a how its a hoax, but none on how it could be both. Anyone know anyone doing research on that theory? Everything I find on one way or the other is way too biased.




  1. Pat Sajak has the answer of why it has perpetuated....

    And so does Dr. Robinson....

    Here is another one by William Rusher

  2. The Vast majority of scientific opinion is in agreement that it is Humankind's footprint that has brought about a perceptible shift in the natural balance, which is the global ecosystem.

    It is no coincidence that as the globalisation of industrialised developments gathers pace fuelled by unprecedented technological advances, global warming increases exponentially!

    And with former stagnant developing countries coming on track, like China, India and Russia, this has exacerbated the situation further.

    It is the historical innovative usage of the finite resource (petroleum) coupled with rapid development and change in land usage that has brought this monumental problem to our door.

    There is a clear correlation between exponential fossil fuel usage, and global carbon emission levels, which are a major global warming driving force.

    Sadly, the very resource (petroleum) that fuels our global growth enhances the greenhouse effect that exacerbates global warming. We are caught in a desperate loop, a user cycle.

    Practically every aspect of our lives involves using resource that pollutes. We are addicted to pollutants, like the smoker who has been told to cut down the habit or it will be terminal, we promise to cut down, and then we relapse through lack of willpower, and clear understanding.

    Putting long-term sustainable renewable resource measures in place may be the last act for a desperate planet, but it should be the number one priority for all nations.

    It will take a global coalition and consensus to bring about clear decisive structured plans for the mitigation of global warming.

    History shows our species has true grit when faced with insurmountable odds, this time it’s the planets redemption, and ultimately the survival of our sentient species that’s at stake.

  3. i think the people that doen't beleive in Global warming just don't want to buckel down and do the right thing they don't want to change there lifew style

  4. Try reading this peer reviewed research paper:

    This was done by a "non profit" org.  These people do not have to twist any data to "fit their needs" in order to secure future fundings by  politcal action groups, special interest groups or governmental agencies. They took a complete and unbiased approach to the research and found that it is not true. We are just going thru a NATURAL cyle of the Earth.  In addition, there are over 19,000 scientists who support their findings.

  5. Change is expensive and difficult for everybody, so it is easier to deny the seriousness.  I believe our weather is changing. Can anyone, deny that? Of course, we have been seeing change.  Things appear to be getting warmer in the arctics and other cold areas of the world (chunks of ice shelf falling into the ocean, glaciers are shrinking, etc.).

    I think people lose sight of the fact that global warming is still a theory. There is not enough proof to make it a "law," like the "law of gravity."

    I don't believe in the gloom and doom of the extremist environmentalists. The humans will survive and adapt, as well as many animals (but not all).

    I do not side with those who are totally against it either, there is proof to suggest its existence.

    People are so passionate about the issue, you will find very little that is objective.  You will probably find many people who will get very personal about the issue. Just keep looking at the data.

    Could global warming be like global ice ages? Just one big cycle? Or are the effects more "permanent?"

    No one knows for sure.

    The debate continues...

  6. Of the f*cking course it's real. You just want to make excuses so you can keep your shiny bubble bath on all day.

  7. Sorry, I go with the scientists. When 100 percent of the experts in a particular field agree, it is kind of hard to argue with them. Unless you are in the pay of the oil industry. Then argue away.

  8. I believe in global warming, but many people don't.  The reason, I think, that many people think it is a hoax is that the proponents of global warming have, in the past, been guilty of "overstating" the evidence, which hurt their credibility.

    But, the issue is real - even if the evidence may have been overstated.

  9. Ive seen series on the discovery channel about it and did a research paper on it in high school.  People will go back and forth on it.  Some researches say yes, some say no.  I don't really believe it myself.  If it is true and something does happen like they say it will, i'm not worried about it, it'll be like 100 years from now.  So I won't be around

  10. Global warming is difficult to understand. Did mankind accelerate it. Probably. However, we've only been keeping accurate weather data for about 150 years. That said....what do we REALLY know about climate change? Nearly all of the past information we have is a mere theory. It could be right and it could be wrong. The focus needs to be on surviving the change, not stopping it.

  11. Yes, it is possible that AGW is real but latched-on-to and advanced for ulterior reasons.

    I've never said that the fact that there has been so much misrepresentation, exaggeration, hyperbole, historical revisionism and outright lying disprove the theory itself - I've simply said that as long as the theory remains unproven, there is a benefit of the doubt, and that the misrepresentation, exaggeration, hyperbole, historical revisionism and lying adversely affects credibility to the extent that any benefit of the doubt really can't be given.    I've also tried to point out that while these strategems might be viewed as "noble lies" by some on the AGW side, scaring people into believing the "right" conclusion albeit for the "wrong" reasons, they do more harm than good by creating staunch skeptics - for everyone scared by the notion of massive sea level rise and "unprecedented" warming, there may be two people who say that they'd have kept an open mind otherwise but they won't believe the predictions about the future if they come from people who lie about the past.

    And this business about "Exxon pays people off to undermine the science" makes no sense - - first, they as have almost all multinational corporations have donated a tiny amount of money over the years to non-profits that research countless issues, meaning no scientist is making a living off Exxon donations and meaning also that such donations are no more inducements to form a given conclusion than Mutual of Omaha's contributions to Wild Kingdom were inducements for Marlon Perkins to study cheetahs instead of leopards.   Second, there are thousands of times more dollars funneling into the pro-AGW, pro-expansion-of-government side - but somehow that's OK.   Third, even if the differences in funding were reversed, how could funding "undermine the science?"    It's not Exxon's fault that AGW remains an unproven theory.   It's not Exxon's fault that it hasn't warmed in nine and a half years.   It's not Exxon's fault that prior warm periods occurred when CO2 levels were lower and humans weren't involved.

  12. Global warming has been an issue for decades, however "Big Energy" like Exxon Mobile were paying out scientists and politicians to undermine the scientists findings. we live in a world where money rules, it has become economy vs environment, which shows much about our value system and morals. Global warming is very real.

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