
Why does everyone expect compensation for everything these days? Never used to!?

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Emily. I agree completely with Colin Stagg but why does her son get compensation?




  1. The best defense would be to kill all the lawyers. Now they advertise on TV, "If you heard someone f**t, you may be due compensation".

  2. They are scumbags. Its the stupidity of  the law that allows it.

  3. Sadly, there is no such thing as good will and common sense anymore.

  4. Because the legal profession have to earn a living also.

  5. It's all about greed.  So many want something for nothing.  Americans in general are spoiled whiners.  

  6. It's all down to the greed of solicitors who have created the culture.That's why we read of silly elf n safety rules being enforced in every aspect of our lives. There is now no such thing as an accident because a solicitor will always find someone to blame.

  7. It does make people think twice!  Years ago people walked over other people and took advantage of them.  Actually, in many ways, I'm glad to see that people do have to consider those who work for them, etc.

    And although it's a system that is open to abuse, sexual harassment is virtually at an end because of it, people have to be more considerate.  And Colin Stagg's life was ruined because of the persecution by the police, who acted on a hunch that he was guilty of Rachel Nickell's murder.

    So good that he received compensation.  But should he have received more than Rachel's son???

    Maybe it is the bizarre amounts that are paid out to dubious characters that stick in our throats, while the genuine victims seem to be treated with disdain.

    Edit:  I don't know how it actually works, but if you are the victim of a serious crime, you get compensation from the government.  i know a rape victim and the partner of a murder victim who were both paid subsantial sums of money.  But nowhere near as substantial as Mr Staff's payout.

  8. Money for old Rope?

  9. Some people can't take responsibility,for their own stupidity!

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