
Why does everyone feel the need to prove themselves?

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'I'm the deepest'. 'I'm the smartest'. 'My sign is the best'. 'My sign means that I'm more misunderstood than you are'. 'My sign says I'm this but I'M REALLY not that'.

It doesn't WORK like that. Surely people who really get into astrology should know that - why does it have to turn into a competition? Why does everyone feel the need to prove themselves... no one wants to just admit that they have weaknesses and failings.

You ARE a whiner. You ARE a poser. You DO care what people think of you. You DON'T understand yourself better than anyone else does.

Everyone wants to feel so unique in their own way - they just don't realise how or why they actually are. The things they focus on to make themselves feel special are worthless and useless because they don't even understand those qualities in the first place. I thought looking into astrology would help someone realise that and REALLY learn about themselves. It's just all so base and pathetic, just like every other aspect of life that people get their grubby hands on.

Okay, I'm done.




  1. A better question: Why do you care? Seriously!  It doesn't bother me when someone else feels the need to feed their ego.  If people need validation here on yahoo answers, so be it.  If you have an understanding of Astrology, why do you care if others don't? If you're here to learn about yourself and  know the reality of everything, great!  Other people aren't looking for the same thing, and it's ok. Don't let it ruin your day.

  2. "each sign is a part of one whole. without one sign, the wheel would be incomplete."-----Shady

    She made a huge point right there. I have to agree. If one sign wasn't included in the zodiac, there would be only 11. What kind of a wheel has 11 sections?

    Edit: *Grin*

  3. Because nobody else is willing to prove it for you.  Wink.  By the way, we are all unique.  We are like snowflakes.  That's why all of the astrological placements and aspects have to be taken into consideration.

  4. Agreed, of course.

    It ego-driven, and not what astrology is about to be sure. Astrology should be about (IMO of course, I'm sure there are those who disagree) moving past the ego and on to a larger awareness of things, and bringing oneself towards wholeness. Now of course, you can't embrace the wholeness of yourself until you stop this petty comparison of who's best and who's worst and which group of signs would win in a war, and who can whoop who's ***, but we're all born into a very surface, ego-driven society, and that's hard to get past. You need to be able to accept that those qualities which you hate worst in other people are actually qualities that you possess yourself and that you're actually projecting your dissatisfaction with yourself onto other people, hence repeated negative experiences with certain signs. You need to be willing to evolve past that.

    Those of us who know this need to lead by example. It's all that can be done.  

  5. Its fun, that's why. Why are you trying to ruin it for everyone? Some people find it entertaining.... Looks like you are the "whiner". You must be a Cancer or a Pieces. Haha.

  6. honestly, i start cracking up in a amusement when people say their sign is the best.

    obviously if they took the time to understand the zodiac, they would know the defination of "equality".

    each sign is a part of one whole. without one sign, the wheel would be incomplete.

    if some would like to prove their ignorance and let it shine through, i encourage them to do so. they will seperate themselves from the ones with common sense without even noticing it.

    it doesn't really bother me. it amuses me.

    cancer sun

    aries rising

    taurus moon

    whisper: aw. i love how you quoted me. you always make me feel special. hehehe. ugh..i'm so sappy. ^_^

  7. Hi there! :)

    I'm sorry but I got a little tickled when reading your post! I agree with you....sometimes some of the questions are cute and fun but for the most part I really don't find them all too interesting and not in the least to real astrology....that's just my opinion....

    But back to your could totally picture a person saying all of this and really stressing the words that you put in all pointing a finger at others while they were being scorned for rude, bad or inappropriate just thought it was kind of cute...that's all and felt the need to share that with you for some reason....Good Post! Good points and good question as well!

    I think it is the general mentality of the average person (or maybe depending on who is posting Q/A or what time of the day and so on) who posts in this category.....

    I answer what I can and I bypass what doesn't interest me...It doesn't really bother me what others do so long as they aren't rude or mean to others - then I get annoyed! The more knowledgeable ones or the ones who take it more seriously (we know who they are) seem to do the same. I do enjoy a good laugh from time to time and see nothing wrong when others are just trying to have a little fun (good spirited fun)...I think it is good for the moral but I do agree that sometimes it goes a little too far for my taste - but to each their own....

  8. It makes people feel valued or worth something, even if its just to ourselves

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