
Why does everyone give a d**n about a 12 year old having a child!?

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Why does everyone give a d**n about a 12 year old having a child!?




  1. Because you can't support a kid. You can **** someone but you can't support a kid. Keep it in your pants!

    And by the way, we seriously doubt that you are telling the truth...

  2. 1 you are WAY too young, you are still a child yourself. Heck your not even a teenager yet

    #2. You are too young to work, i.e. make any money you need A LOT of money when you have a child. Not to mention you are even too young to have a job.

    #3. You will not be able to do it on you own- have you considered who will really take care of this child?? when you want to hang with your friends all the time and you start resenting the child when you can't? It is not the child's fault that YOU were not mentally capable of having it.

    #4. Your little brain/mind is not even close to being fully developed- wait for that before you open your legs.

    IT IS JUST NOT RIGHT, that is why I give a d**n- I don't like to see children throwing their lives away. The child they have doesn't really have a chance in this world unless your parents are going to take care of it and that is not right either- they have aleady had their children, if they wanted more children to raise they would have had more.  get it?

  3. because they are little more than children themselves and amongst other things aren't financially able to look after the child! Its tax payers that end up doing this for them!

  4. Because we are mums ourselves and know how hard it is and dont see how a child could cope with this responsibility as they were responsible enough to use protection!!!

  5. Because children shouldn't be having children. In this day and age, there is no need.

    Wait a bit. Mature first..

  6. Many of us have young children ourselves and it freaks us out!

  7. Because a 12 year old is not an adult they are a child and they do not have the ability to care for a child on their own. It's also because people are sick of paying into the welfare system to support this kind of c**p that could have been prevented in the first place by teaching your sons and daughters to keep their pants on until they are married.

  8. Because you are gonna drop out of school, your life will be f***** and you will wish for the rest of your life you get your pants on. Your not ready to have a child, you don't have a job or a house you still live with your parents are aren't even in high school yet.

  9. WTF u cn never learn on how to be a mother unless ur mature and have a future..12 yr olds having kids is disgusting cause they themselves are children and dont know about anything..they re ****** in the head if they have kids....and their life is ducked...they have to live next 70 yrs like bullshit

  10. Because obviously your parents didn't "give a d**n" about their 12 year old having s*x......

    You're a child!  You should not even be considering s*x at that age, much less having a baby.

  11. I have a 13 year old daughter and if i found out she was pregnant i'd lose ALL trust i had for her. Kids shouldn't be giving birth to kids.

  12. Um, maybe because a 12 yo is A CHILD HERSELF.  She can barely take care of herself, let alone another child.  IMO

  13. cause a 12 year old is still a child herself

  14. answer this question what kind of job can a 12 year old get that can support and feed a child?....... NONE! please if you think you can handle this you have another thing coming babies aren't just cute and cuddle they cost money they need things and those things aren't free or cheap.

  15. There too young.

  16. Other than the child (twelve year olds are still children) not being able to properly be able to support the baby, it is dangerous to the health of both mother and child. When it was common for twelve to fourteen year olds to have children the poor girl often died in childbirth. While medicine has advanced since then, the girl is still at a huge risk.

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