
Why does everyone hate Collingwood? How did that start?

by Guest66644  |  earlier

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Why does everyone hate Collingwood? How did that start?




  1. Everyone (aside from those one-eyed collingwood supporting barstards) hates collingwood because traditionally they have had the largest supporter base with a rough, obnoxious attitude...

  2. For a team so many people 'hate' for whatever reason they pull bigger crowds to there games than most other teams. What other supporters don't understand is us Collingwood supporters don't want you to like the team or us thats what makes being a Collingwood supporter so great.Win lose or draw Collingwood will always have their army!

  3. I don't think everyone hates Collingwood, my friends support it madly. However Collingwood, before it was gentrified by yuppies was the workingclass inner suberb renowned for larrikinism. There used to be a pub on every corner and it had a high crime rate. It had a reputation for

    being wild, not very respectable. It always had brothels, sly grpg joints, illegal gambling and gangsters.

  4. Hate is a very strong word!  There are just a lot of teams that you can support so some of the fans switched teams.  Also, when teams start to lose they, fans can drop off cos everyone wants to support a winner!

  5. maybe eddie maguire turns them off...

    i thought "the least liked team" is carlton?

    might post that question...look out for it!

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