
Why does everyone hate England so much??

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Why does everyone hate England so much??




  1. Where do I start?

    1. They think that because they won the world cup they are best in the world ( this from experience when I lived in the UK)

    2. They are not called the drop goal kings for nothing. Can they actually score a try?? Do they even know how??? You can't base your game on kicking drop goals!!

    3.  They play like c**p and I'm sorry they won against the MIGHTY TONGANS!!!! I hope they get thrashed in the next game.

  2. I don hate them , but maby is because disrespect

    other people

  3. I don't like England because of Malvinas, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar. But the people as a whole... I don't have a problem with them. The US is a different a story, I dislike the government AND the people.

  4. Not everyone hates England.  There are some traditional rivalries in Rugby (as well as in other sports) and the World Cup brings out the fierce competitor in us!

  5. Cos even though we're c**p we're just so d**n amazing

  6. I don't hate the english...even though I lived on the wrong end of thatchers policies (the bit*h even made me redundant)...  

    Some of my closest mates are angerlanders.

    I do believe that the sooner Britain (the last piece of the empire) splits up - the better for everyone...but I don't blame the english i meet personnally for this..most would love scottish and welsh independence..

    I guess it is a class thing the end of the day that transcends national boundaries...loads of working class english folks hate upper and upper middle class english folks too.

    But I could easily turn this around and say the English absolutely detest the welsh - as there truly are a h**l of a lot more english people who genuinely and absolutely despise the welsh  - (probably more than the whole of the population of wales multiplied about 10 times).

  7. i dont know anyone who hates england.

  8. I'm English but choose to live in Wales. However, I wouldn't DARE wear an England rugby shirt in Wales - I MAY get away with an England football shirt- but I wouldn't risk it. It's really only friendly rivalry -I think !

  9. Goes with the territory for the Land of Eng. When you go on and on about how great your athletes are and time and again they flop at the highest level, sorry, you guys are obnoxious and annoying.

    Look, at least the rugby team won a World Cup. When was the last time their national soccer team even made a Final in a major int'l tourny? Or cricket? Tennis? Tiddleywinks?

    The Empire days are long over, Land of Eng is basically now Denmark with a superiority complex.

  10. the only reason is their style of rugby. they play like wussies..they always go for drop goals or a kick at goal. they r cowards who r afraid to hit the line which is the most interesting part of rugby..

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