
Why does everyone hate Liverpool?

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I've heard quite a few people on here saying Liverpool is rubbish and a bad place to go and also people from Liverpool are horrible and stupid! I'm just wondering why people hate it so much. Are they jealous or something?




  1. I think we bring a lot of it down on ourselves with out brand of humour, and the fact that we do not much care what or indeed if other people think .  I live here and love and hate the place all at the same time. I don't think you can do this with any other city in the Country and I love living in what is traditionally a non-English city in the middle of England proud of  it's mongrel ancestry. I love the live and let live attitude  you will see in most parts of the city even between Everton and Liverpool fans I hate the stupidities of the scally sterotype.

  2. I was born in Liverpool(West Derby Road)1925.4 rides a penny on the tram on school holidaysStood  waiting for the first green streamline tram.Week in Blackpool and left your front door open so neighbour could make a cup of tea when you came home.Dixie Dean knocking them in the Boys Pen.Left in 1938.Has it changed much?????

  3. Oi! Calm down!

    I love Liverpool. I still miss Boys from the Blackstuff and Brookside all these years later.  

  4. Have you been reading football questions from Man Utd fans? Liverpool's cool. I'm from Newcastle btw.

  5. i live just outside of Liverpool and i really love the place! a lot of people think of the accent as being scally-like and i think the city as a whole has a stereotype as being full of crime, scruffy and full of thugs. which i guess some parts are, but isnt it the same with every city? think how much culture has come out of Liverpool, the music (Beatles, Zutons, Ladytron etc) and all the alternative culture (Quiggins, Grand Central)! i just really love the place! plus in recent years they have really done up the city centre what with the Europeon Capital of Culture title so its not as run down as it used to be and there are a lot of places in Liverpool which are upmarket. as for the accent, i love it! apart from the really rough Scouse accents which just add the back of the throat 'KKRRGHHHHHH' to the end of every word, other than that i think its a great place to be.

    i personally really dont like Manchester, haha

  6. If I hear a Liverpoool accent I always think "Scally" There was a report in the news papers saying there was so many million cases of fly tipping in the UK last year and three quarters of them where in Liverpool

  7. Don't forget, Liverpool has two great football teams,

    Everton and Everton reserves.

  8. Definitely jealous :D

    I heard a lot of bad stuff before I moved here and was quite dreading it but my boyfriend is from here and once I came here I absolutely loved it! No idea where all the bad press comes from....

    I'm guessing there is a lot of jealousy trashing, I mean when you mistype it takes you to the website of the Trafford Centre instead, underhand or what? *rolls eyes*

    They're just jealous of our Lambananas :P

  9. I don't think everyone hates Liverpool, I live there and all the visitors I've seen and spoke to seem to like the place and the people. there are obviously some eejits living here who give the place a bad name but that's the same all over the world.

  10. what? SOME people might say that most of the people i know down here in london think the people and city are GREAT

  11. I don't hate Liverpool, in fact I love to hear different accents, and welcome them here in Cornwall, as the only accent I ever seem to hear here is the awful London accent.

    Incidentally, I love Birmingham too, and their accent!!!

  12. i've never been to liverpool but i love the accent!! that's really the only experience i have of there... dunno why people would hate it tho...  

  13. i love liverpool, great weekend away,fab,friendly people.. love it!  

  14. They don't,

  15. Because people do not like difference.

    Liverpool is a celtic city, very outward looking and has been influenced with its links to other ports throughout the world. Liverpool has more in common with Valparaiso and Vladivostock than Manchester 35 miles down the road.

    All these influences, the sailors who travelled the globe and brought back samples from different cultures made the city what it is.

    I would point out that this idiocy about Liverpool and crime etc only ever manifests itself in the UK, you only have to walk into Liverpool city centre at the moment to experience the hoards of tourists from abroad sampling a city which is buzzing at the moment, as well as the thousands of firefighters from around the world competing in the world firefighters games. Why the difference between image in the UK and abroad?

    I blame the media, Liverpool is out on the rim, and lazy London (and Manchester for that matter) journalists can't be bothered to tramp up here to write a positive news story such as the Mathew Street festival last weekend which attracted as many visitors as the Notting Hill carnival but didn't warrant one line in any national newspaper or even a mention in the (Manchester based) regional news programme. If there had been trouble you can gurantee they would have been falling over themselves to report the bad news.

    Liverpool is the largest city in the UK without its own regional broadcast media, we have no ability to influence how the city is portrayed by lazy journalists who live in Manchester or London only too eager to run the city down, that is why Liverpool gets such a bad press in the UK, but has a much more positive image throughout the rest of the world.

  16. Ive worked in liverpool many times. the people are friendly , helpful and have the best sense of humour in the world, I liked them so much I married one....

  17. Ellie, Liverpool is great! Always has been, always will be. Take no notice of idiots who critisise it, they have probably never been to the city and know nothing of its history (which does extend beyond The Beatles). Like anywhere, there are good and bad bit about the place but its heart is good, loyal and friendly.

  18. its just a stereotype, people think that there is loads of crime.. but look at the figures and you will see that liverpool actually has a fairly low amount of crime for its size.

    people also think that everybody is thick, but again, look at the facts.

    lots of people have opinions on scousers because they are loud, which means they voice there opinions more so thus give people reason to hate them, and love them

  19. its not hated, i don;t know how to really put it into words, but its so well known for its different culture and accent. i'm from liverpool, and i now live in london and they all try and do my accent, i love it :) x  

  20. Liverpool isn't rubbish and I don't hate it, I love it. :)

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