
Why does everyone hate flat soda?

by  |  earlier

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hi, i hear people saying things like flat soda sux and all, but in my opinion its so much better! 1. Better quenching. 2. same taste! 3. none of that burning crazy fizz that burns ur throat making it feel like ur throat is filled with acid! 4. u can drink its super fast. why does everyone hate it?




  1. cus it just taste like your drinking sugar, without the fizz


  2. Because for one you don't belch as loud :0D and another I think it takes just like what it really is, a cup of watery corn syrup with flavoring and color in it.  

  3. i like flat soda to it does have a better taste. don't no why other people don't like flat soda but its there lost. maybe they are no use to the taste or just like all that fizz stuff  

  4. I love the burning fizz, you can't beat it on a hot day :D

    But my sister hates bubbles, so she prefers flat soda *gag*.

    But, whatever your tastes are........

  5. I don't know I just think it tastes gross when It is flat!!

  6. because flat soda doesn't have those wonderful fizz and throat burning feeling.  and cuz i said so.  end of story.

  7. Soda without carbonation isn't soda. The carbonation is what makes it soda.

  8. many people love the fizzy gassy popping sensations that real carbonated beverages deliver.

    flat soda is basically like watered down juice.

    remember those commercials "what do you mean barqs has bite?"

    the bite is the gas.  

  9. it's like one step above cough syrup

  10. i prefer flat... =] for the exact same reasons.

  11. i love fizzy soda but i dont HATE flat soda

  12. well ur rite it duznt burn ur throat but it tastes better

  13. Well first of all, flat soda isn't soda.

    Soda is a carbonated beverage.

    And everyone has their own opinion.

    We could question you why you like it so much.

    The the taste and carbonation together is a good taste to many people.

    Carbonation does not have acid as it is a gas.

    Most people are used to the flavor being carbonated and not like a juice.

  14. mainly  why everyone hates it becaosue well it brings of this weird taste that not to many people like  and lots of people like the buring feiling in ure throught becuse where ure heating sometihng havy and it wont go down the drink soda to make it go down more bcuase of the acid.

  15. same here!

    it tastes the same either way!


  16. because you get soo used to that drink and when you taste the same soda that is flat it just dont taste the same and your not fimaliar with it and it tastes like blah...but yeah i hope this helps!!!!!!!!

  17. hahah! "burning crazy fizz! lol

    Flat soda tastes liek drinking hot water with sugar in it.  There's no magic in that! We need our bubbles!!! We need our CRAZY FIZZ!!!!! lol

  18. Lol you can't say everyone hates it. I don't and you wrote that you don't either. There's 2 already. I like it both ways, depends on the mood I'm in. When I'm nauseated, flat soda (cola syrup) eases that sick feeling for me.

  19. Gah! I’m the same way! I love flat soda! When I get coke or something I have to sit there shaking it for a while to let out all the fizz, and it tastes so much better!  All the fizz makes it uncomfortable to drink >.<

  20. I'm totally with you! I love flat soda.

    Some people like the fizz that burns, because they are weird.  

  21. I like flat soda.  

  22. I hate it because I love the fizz from the soda. It makes the drink more refreshing.  

  23. When I drink flat soda, all I taste is corn syrup.  >:p

  24. i know, i LOVE flat soda. i leave it in the fridge like over night to drink it later,, hahaha. when its fizzy its too bubbly and hurts my throat, and you can drink it faster when its flat and it tastes the same without tasting all those bubbles :)

  25. because it tastes like you are drinking like a syrup  

  26. What's the point in getting soda if its going to be flat and not have fizz in it, just get a soft drink like Gatorade, Kool Aid which doesn't have any fizz.

  27. The fizz blocks the taste. When the fizz is gone, you can taste how the soda actually is, and it is disgusting.

  28. i hate it because it is disgusting and it tastes like water mixed with soda

  29. it tastes gross.

  30. Cause without the bubbling its just water and surup.

  31. me i hate that

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