
Why does everyone insist that the drivers from their state drive the best.?

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How many times have you heard the frase or said the frase "people from (blank) can't drive" or the people here (not where you are from) can't drive. Why is that? Wouldn't that mean collectively that no one can drive?




  1. Thats a stupid statement for anyone to make we have good ,bad and ugly drivers in all the states.

    our DMV record will speak for it'self.

  2. I've been driving for over 40 years from post-post... I mean from different Army base all over United States... Stationed in Germany for seven years with international driver license... When I got back from Overseas, I found out that a lot of  Americans can't drive better then the once that already  have the experience driving overseas...The reason why I say this, because of the fast driving operations, reactions, and the advance defensive driving course that most Europeans needed to avoid serious collisions...Don't get me wrong,we do have a lot of good drivers but there are some that forget their right of way, or too late to identify highway choke points, and don't abide speed limits as posted by law... No offense but each States have their best, their average and bad drivers...  I hope I answered your question right...

  3. because they're not used to there driving styles all though i have to admit massachuests *sp* cant drive that good...i got beeped at for using my blinker

  4. It's down to driving style like accent - each place has its own style. The driving style in the US is very different from that in the UK. As I learned in the UK, I see driving here that appalls me. In the UK I saw bad driving too but as I saw it every day, I didn't pay much attention and the errors were very different.

  5. I live and grew up in California. I've driven across country many times. In many states people drive on the right-side and use the left lane to pass. In Cali they drive side by side and block you. Here when you put your signal on and want to merge, you see someone from 100 feet back floor it so they can get in front of you. Courtesy exists in the country but as you drive in to California, you notice the level of jerkness start to rise.

    LA drivers have got to be the rudest, most uncourteous drivers. Just don't ever try to change a lane or merge, they will wake up from where they were text-messaging or on their cellphone, and speed up just to not let you get in front of em.

  6. I live in Florida and our drivers suck gray, and purple hair men and women in their 100's!

  7. I don't . I live in Chicago. I put my life on the line every day out there with rude, arrogant drivers. I get passed on the right 50 miles an hour and they are passing where cars should be parked. I'm in the right hand lane. I get tailgated where I can't even see their license plate through my rear view mirror. I've seen U-turns at stop lights(incredible) Every one is speeding. No, we do not have the best drivers here. This is a nut house.

  8. because everyone loves to think they're the best. truthfully people cant drive...ask anyone around you, they've probably been in an accident.

  9. No.  Everyone doesn't do that.

    You are making the same type of generalization that you are accusing others off.

    I've never heard such a frase.  I have heard a phrase though.

  10. guess you've never been to


    or Mississippi or Alabama?


    www . care2 . com

  11. frase?

    People like what they're used to.  The worst regions for driving are those with a transient population (like military towns) because the various driving styles and mind-sets tend to conflict.

  12. This is quite simple. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers.

  13. rofl who says that everyone from my state sucks nuts at driving... because they drive like a maniac.... they cut eachother off they break randomly they scream at you... then if they want to drop their kids off they stop in the middle of the street instead of at the actual school then they wana act like they did nothing wrong

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