
Why does everyone keep playing on Obama being Black, his mom is white? Leave color out!! EVERYONE even him!!?

by Guest58616  |  earlier

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People need to just drop the color thing with Obama. You can say he is black and you can say he is white, but are correct. Even he is playing on the race card. He won't be the first black president, he will be the first mixed president.




  1. I don't have a problem with his race, I have a problem with his political and social views.

  2. Im not hearing any mention of or reference to Obama's race in Spokane, Washington where there are less than 4% minorities of mixed races. Where are you from?

  3. I'd love to see this happen, but O'Bammo and you left-wingerzzzz keep throwing it in our face. You can't have it both ways. His policies suck, not the 1/2 color of his skin.

  4. yes!! the truth finally the truth!!! because they are stuck in a time warp

  5. I completely agree with you!

    It seems like these days even if a person is 2% black they're black.

    And just black.

    He's black and he's white.

    His "white" side could even have Russian or Irish in there too, so even saying "white" wouldn't be completely correct.

    He's mixed.

  6. The Republicans are the party of intolerance--every kind of intolerance, racism, homophobia, nativism and xenophobia, even religious intolerance.  EVERY Republican presidential campaign in recent times (possibly excepting GW Bush) has had a racial component.  Regan's 'Welfare Queen' who turned out not to exist, GHW Bush's Willie Horton ads, etc.  

    In the past the Republicans have tried to paint the Democrats as 'the party of black people'.  Every civil rights law is labelled by the Republicans as a 'quota law'.  Jesse Jackson and other black leaders have not been allowed to speak a Democratic conventions for fear that the Republicans would use the pictures in their own advertising.

    Obama was very very careful not to say a single word about race because he knew the minute he did, the Republicans would accuse him of 'playing the race card', asking for your vote just because he was black.   But finally Obama did have to address the issue of his race, and he did so in one of the most intelligent, most sensitive speech about race in politics that I think I've ever heard.  Of course it got no play at all in the media.

    The Republicans can't win based on Bush's record.  McCain is not even allowed to criticize Bush, to admit that he made mistakes and say how he would do things differently. McCain has to pretend that he believes everything is just great.  So all the Republicans can do is play dirty, spread lies and smears about Obama being a Muslim, refusing to salute the flag, and wanting to take from whites to give to blacks.

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