
Why does everyone like and protect Israel?

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Israel started sucide bombings no joke look up the King David hotel bombings. they kill 60 innocent muslims and 30 inncocent brits adn injured many more, the planner Menachem Begin became the 6th presient of isreal and killed more than 5 muslims and poms and for that one the nobel peave prize infact the bombings are still celbrated in Israel by the heads of governement and say ths is not terrorism yet say capturing enemy soldiers is an act of terrorism

Israel is the only coutry in the world with a goerment with no set values

The golden age of the jews was when they lived peacfully in Muslim space do not belive look it up.

It is widely belived that the jews would have been mostly exterminated during the crusades by the christaians were not for muslim protection

If italy or mongolia went around saying that a few thousand years ago we ruled half of europe would you give it to them. Te Bahis whoo out number jews massively and are persecuted in India have no sate but do not cry about just like the Shiks

It is okay for the Isrealis to use human sheilds(look it up) and tie then shoot civilians with rubber bullets and be let off with no punishment

The arabs agreed to a new israel but after america beefed them up they attacked and took the land

If all of you muslims are evil do research and look up Saladin a truly greatman.





  1. You want my thoughts You have no idea what your talking about  

  2. My thoughts are.. your information isn't accurate.  I'd suggest you look it up.

    Israel did not start suicide bombings.  I cannot say exactly when the first one took place, but they took place during WW2.. so Israel didn't start it.  Further it's important to realize that was not the start of the violence in Israel.  Arabs had been attacking Jews there since the 1920s.

    The Israeli government does have set values, laws and rules.

    The golden age of Jews took place before Islam was invented.  Also, some of the first people Muhammed had slaughtered in the name of Islam were Jewish tribes.

    Arabs never agreed to a "new Israel" the flatly refused the creation of Israel/Palestine.  Also, the US did not "beef" Israel up, in fact it did the opposite.. it withdrew support for the creation of Israel.

    If we like or dislike Israel is a non-issue.  We support them because it's in our strategic interest.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that..

  3. Your question is very important. Yet there are many adjustments to the info in it. I will not interfere with it.

    But to summarize the question You ask why Israel is being protected in spite of their terrorist acts.

    Someone already mentioned that some rich bankers are the supporters of Israel, this is correct, but to put it in a more accurate form, it is the international jewish organization that pevails over banks, the media, centers of influence worldwide as well as the UN. Didn't you hear John Bolton stating that the jewish blood is not to be compared with the blood of the children who were masacrised in qana 2006? He said that in the Security council and no one commented on?

  4. The unbalanced treatment, reporting and support of Israel is the result of decades of manipulative "education" and brainwashing of the naive general public, including politicians. You will have trouble to get an objective response to any question regarding Israel. To be fair, there is more opposition to Israel's often radical and abusive policies in Israel than in the rest of the western world (especially USA).

  5. Israel is where my Lord was born and Israel is where my Lord will

    set up his Kingdom of Heaven on Earth in the City of David, "..and

    of His Kingdom, there shall be no end..".

  6. A jew sacrificing his life in the name of his religion and land is evident even in the Bible. Read the story of Samson and Delilah. Samson went into the town square, which happened to be full of Philistines, and knocked town the pillars that were used to hold up the ceiling of the building they were in. He killed all the people who happened to be there, innocent or guilty, yet this is supposed to be a story about a hero.

    How can anyone expect justice when even the Bible is filled with hypocrisy?

    Had Samson been a Palestinian he would have been a terrorist.  

  7. you have spent too much time in the hot sun.

  8. The same reason we "like and protect" England, France, Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan, etc.  They are Western-style democracies who share our values.

    The far more interesting question is why so many people want to leave only Israel OFF this list, and abandon it.

  9. Very few 'like' Israel and to my knowledge only the United States protects them. As to your assertion that Saladin (pboh) was a 'truly Great man' I must agree and surely he must be spinning in his grave at what Muslims have aloud Islam to become! Suicide bombers and rock throwing fools led by religious zealots to commit terrorism...pboy

    EDIT: The answer is 'NO': they do not have the 'right' and no one, not even the US, says they do! On the other hand on 9/11 we saw the 'innocent' Palestinians dancing in the streets...

  10. I think we are getting a little mixed up here, first it isn't everyone who likes to protect Israel, it is the very rich Elite bankers, next we must not get confused with 'Jews' and 'Zionists', the Zionists kicked the God fearing Jews out as well as the Palestine people who had welcomed the Jewish people into their land, after the 2nd world war the Elite bankers who are mostly Zionist Jews got the UN to sanction Palestine as the new Country for the Zionist Jews, and it's when all these 'Zionists' started to take over and push everyone else out, that the wars started.

  11. Sure.

    Why not?

    Look in the real world.

    What will happen if Israel is being wipe off the map?

    Where are we all going to be in time?

    Who is having self lack of knowledge?

    being exposed in time?

    Do not even know what is the definition of "Israel"

    Should be going back to school.

    Don't they?

    Which book were they learning?

    The Book of the Dead or the Book of the Living?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  12. My thoughts are you spent a lot of time trying to get people to hate Israel, but it didn't work on me.  Israel is surrounded by backward intolerant terrorists that nobody likes.

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