
Why does everyone say Obama will be the first "black" President of the USA?

by Guest21371  |  earlier

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He's mixed race... Half black and half white. That means that he is just as white as he is black and will therefore not be the first black President.

Sorry, but I'm from the UK... and from my understanding, someone who is half black and half white is mixed race...not black. Do people have a different point of view in the USA?




  1. Yes. And that is why as a nation, we are about to experience a total, historic collapse.  

  2. Well, if we say he's the first BROWN president, that could get confusing.

  3. I should not be answering this as I am over the other side of the Atlantic but are you proposing a colour swab or chart that we can check his colour or shade against his skin like ordering your carpet.

    He is black to me even in half light and you sound like a bigot --then you might only be a half-bigot for all I know .

  4. It sounds more exciting. I don't even see why race needs to be mentioned.

    In America, traditionally, if you are 1/32 black you're still black. I know, its a backwards idealogy.

  5. well Obama is going to be the first president that isnt intirely white and if you looked at him your first guess would be that he was black and for america this is a big step towards change because we have never had a man of any color make it this far in any presidential election.

    if i could vote i would vote for him  

  6. obama will the first american president whose skin colour is black

  7. Yes this is true but surely what matters is that it will be the first time in the history of the USA that they've had a president with an IQ in at least double figures.

    The world is watching, America, please don't embarrass the human race anymore...

  8. Another foreigner for Obama huh?? haha What a shock....

  9. Really? I think he looks mexican

  10. does he look black or white to you?

  11. Yes they do ! and I`ll leave it at that

  12. In the past during slavery, any black in you made you black. It's probably propagated by the fact that racism towards mixed children was harsher from whites.

  13. He sounds white to me and looks chocolate not black. Yeah maybe Mexican too. I got reall black friends and Obama doesn't look or sound anything that black.


    I agree he's mix, and you're right. I thought this same thought first thing I heard how black he is.

    I think they keep saying it more to excite the public. To make the first of something, "first female" "first black" if he were a turtle it would be the same. New change, for the idea that new darker appearance will win some votes and it probably will.

    Really it doesn't matter to me what his skin is but yeah he is mixed and it's annoying to hear about how different and dark he is all the time. I don't like any of the candidates and if there is a "none of the above" I'll fill in that circle.

  14. Fine..first MIXED president.

  15. Actually you make up a good point. I am a mix myself, but of Irish, Scottish, Welch and Scourser. Does that make me qualified for office if no other qualifications exist? Not really.

    As far as the Obama question reading American press releases it seems like they want to play up his black side because it makes them look all accepting and sommat.

    Honestly I don't care who wins. "Thinks all politicians are self-rewarding yobs"

  16. I know right. I think he should be called the first biracial president. I mean, would he still be the first black president if he came out looking white?

  17. Probably because everyone thinks that all the other presidents before were american and not have another race mixed in.. He's the first darker skinned president so probably making history.. However i don't understand why the media would go on and on about it.. Shows that the media are just seeing whats infront of them and not the actual story behind them xx

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