
Why does everyone say that being a teenager........??

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is supposed to be the best years of your life




  1. cause before your 18 you have no real responsibilities. thats the reason

    however im 19 and still live at home so its not that different for me

  2. sucked for me too.


  4. It sucks because you let it, learn to relax and have a good time, do everything you want to do and live your life to the fullest Don't let anyone hold you back and i promise it will be the greatest years when you look back on it,

    think of it this way, we have no responsibilities, no bills, no serious problems. Be crazy, make mistakes, have fun.

  5. because it don't see it now, but when your older and wiser you will see how great your teen years were.

  6. Its not its actually the hardest and the reason why is because you are stuck between childhood and adulthood. Its hard because you are becoming an adult and you want all that Independence yet you still have guidelines because of your age. I hated being a teenager. The best years in your life is not of a teen but in your thirties. You do not know yourself as a teenager. But in your thirties it is the best years in my life.

  7. hated my teenage yeas the best years were in my  20's. I'm 39 now and their still the best.

  8. i ask the same thing. i tell people i hate being a teenager and they say well they are the best years of your life, cherish them. like i just said i hate being a teenager, do they not freaking listen? no matter what they think i hate it too

  9. seriously...tell me about it, its just constant drama everyday

  10. Well, for one, you never have to worry about money. All you need to do is to go to school - which may be tiring at times, but it's also a place where you get to hangout with your friends and have fun. I'm 19 and have recently taken up a job, and trust me, it's horrible - you don't get to see your friends, the work is dull... So treasure your teenage years while you can!

  11. When you get older you'll then know the answer.

    now get a job, your own place, responsibility, deal with the real world.

  12. is it? life's gonna suck

  13. I think they mean you still have time for "fun" before having to grow up & the party is over. The only good teen years were 16-18 b/c I got my first BF, job & car & moved out & got my 1st apartment @ 18. I remember 13-15 not being a ball of joy :( . It will get better & good luck.

  14. It's all that you make of it. Yeah, it is hard, I don't deny that,but you can change your attitude and try to keep your chin up during the tough moments.

    The teen years are the years that you start to explore a little more and you build memories for yourself . You learn how to drive, you go to your proms, your homecomings, and it is just a time to enjoy the freedom that you have and the energy and just make the best of it.

    When you become an adult, you sort of lose that freedom. You now have to work to survive, you are busy with work and with college, you may marry and start a family. All of that freedom is pretty much gone because you now have responsibilities. Yes, I have lots of good times as an adult, but my childhood was definately more free.  

  15. wow really?

    dude my life is gonna suck a lot! lol

  16. It really does. High school, puberty, hormones, and juggling with a social life.

  17. coz...u hardly have any responsibility at that becomes more tough as you grow up...turst me my experience says this..

  18. because you can do whatever you want and blame your parents for it, then when your an adult your the ones whos going to jail

  19. If these were the best years of my life then shoot me now

  20. I have no idea. Mine sucked.

  21. the best years of my life was my childhood..No responsibilties, no work (except chores), Didn't have to worry about bills or anything.

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