
Why does everyone smoke weed?

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I'm 18 and it seems like more and more people i know smoke marijuana. people i wouldn't expect, people i'm not surpised by and so on. it just seems like so many people my age are smoking week, making me appear to be the minority. Is this the case for many others? I'm not planning on picking up the habit.... infact i never will i think its stupid but seriously do you know alot of people that smoke or is it just me.




  1. Almost all adults use drugs of one type or another -- cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol. But only a minority uses pot regularly -- 22% by the end of high school. In some groups though the percentage is a lot higher.

  2. i have a good number of friends that smoke weed A LOT, and i have a group of friends that just smoke occasionaly if its a party..

    ...i used to smoke but i dont now, i think its dumb and i dont get anything useful out of it..

    but yes i do see a lot of people in the habit, all kinds of people too!  not just your stereotypical pot heads..  a lot of people enjoy it but for me i look down upon those people--but ill never tell them that :P

  3. Meh I used to do alot of drugs (other then weed) and its good that you don't pick it up because no matter how many people tell you "Oh i'll never get into the hardcore stuff" it's not true I've seen two of my best friends go down that smoked crack the other was into heroin....(I was only into the psychedelic stuff really) being sober is the way to be I assure you.

  4. weed is a drug and it can get addicting everyones done it atleast once but your not COOL if you smoke it ya you get your buzz , people might thnk yer cool but ok what happens when u get caught .

    ya , its not even that great you eat more and its not even that cool .

    T R U S S S S S T     ME .

  5. it is mad fun!!!! LOL

  6. same here and im one of them..but hey its fun and relaxing;...

  7. It is a large number of people, but not everyone does it.

    I don't, I hate any type of drugs.

    But maybe you should look around, there is a few people left with their brains still there.

  8. Because it feels good. AND it is the safest drug out there, it's safer than alcohol and tobacco!

    No positives?

    Saturday I suddenly got a headache, sore throat, and my temperature was about 100 F. Not bad, still sucked. I took lots of vitamin C and all that.

    Sunday, I woke up feeling even worse. My headache was killer and my fever had gone up a few degrees. My sore throat had subsided a bit, so I decided to smoke some weed to get rid of the headache. It works wonders.

    Monday, I wake up still expecting to be sick, and yet I feel fine! Maybe it's coincidence, but the weed still made me feel better.

    Marijuana does not kill brain cells, is not addictive, and does not cause cancer or emphysema. It is a MEDICINE.

    Two really good sites with facts:

    Marijuana myths and facts:

    Why it is really illegal:

    Oh, and about a week ago I got high and wrote a play. I did not simply deflate on my couch.

  9. me 2

  10. I was once surprised to see how many people over 40 smoke on a regular basis.

  11. because i got nutin betta to do. o and it is not a drug yo its an herb just like oregano

  12. people smoke weed becaue they want to. its really that simple. i mean you dont want to smoke, so you dont. i want to smoke, so i do. i like to smoke. all marijuana smokers do. duh. but there are all those stupid people who smoke weed cause they think theyre cool. and those people only smoke weed because of that. but people who smoke weed because they like it really hate all those stupid people. so eff you all you stupid weed smokers.  

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