
Why does everyone think Nick Jonas is cute??

by Guest57195  |  earlier

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Seriously though why do they??? I am not a Jonas Brothers fan......but I think Joe is kinda hott lolz......Kevin just looks like an alien....and Nick at least looks human but he isn't even cute.......Joe is HOTT.... who agrees with me that Nick Jonas looks like a Ninja Turtle and Kevin looks like he just came from Mars....I think his side burns look like christmas who agrees???

And to you crazzy Jonas Brothers fans....dont get too crazzy and post a bad comment...........




  1. i totally agree about kevin jonas...i went into claires and there were posters, and there were 5 left and they were all of kevin!!! lmfao i know i hate his sideburns!!! hahahahaha!!! and nick i think is pretty cute, but not hot. and yes joe is hot!

  2. because there all drugged

  3. people think nick jonas is cute because he is

    people think that joe jonas is hot because he is


    people think that kevin jonas looks like an alien because he DOES!

  4. i dont really agree with you, well i think joe is hot and nick is cute, they have different kinds of looks but both are good. But kevin is just UGLY and he looks like a nerd and a weirdo but nick and joe are both good looking

  5. Joe IS hot!!! But I'm not obsessed with them like stupid Mrs. Jonas. But yeah, I'm getting sick of those stupid Disney Channel freaks.  

  6. Joe is hott. Kevin and Nick are cute in their own way.  

  7. Because they severly need glasses. They all look like drugged monkeys, and Nick looks like he has a bush on his head, he may as well dye it green.

  8. okay..

    they prefored their first concert at my school

    and to be honest

    they suck....

    okay they're seriously bubblegum pop.. they need to go back to disney channel and stay there

    no one wants them in the real world.

    so.. nick has a fro the size of jupiter..

    joe.. has nice hair.. but his clothes are extremely tight.. hes not good looking enough for THAT..

    kevin.. hes just in a world of his own that no one dares..or should dare.. to go into..

    they're all pathetic.

    but thats just my opinion

  9. they are all kind of ugly actually.

  10. OK! haahah ill keep it pg. nick jonas is the hottest boy on the planet. hes smart,funny,strong,hot,loving,caring and soo much more. joe is hott too! i do agree but nick is better and kevin isn't a alien he's cute!

    so the answer is nick is not ugly hes hott.

  11. i think joe looks like an an Alain from dorky plant it dorky dork i think nick came from a cutey plan it and keven is from some were.

  12. They're all ugly.

    People who think they are cute have either: do not know anyone else outside of jonas brothers/disney or are completely ignorant.

  13. Probably because most of the fans are closer to Nick's age.

    Me.. I love all of them.. Pretty much equally.

    He's adorable, sweet, and the most down-to-earth. People do acknowledge Joe a lot, but Kevin, on the other hand, should really get more recognition than he does.

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