
Why does everyone think Russia and the UK are going to war?

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Following millibands comments, everyone seems to be suggesting that there close to war, is it me or is this the view of uneducated idiots? ( most likely Americans)




  1. Gordon Brown and his side kick are just a couple of idiots even considering sanctions against Russia who if they wished could easily turn off gas and oil supplies to Europe. Having said that America are also being very provocative by having war ships so close to the Georgian coast. Both the UK and the US seem to have forgotten that it was Georgia that started this conflict. What about the Falklands , has Brown forgotten that.? What about Iraq ? has Bush forgotten that also ? We can start a conflict but woe betide anyone else who does the same.

  2. If this wasn't so sad it would be laughable.

                                         I seem to recall that some one once said:-

    "In the event of war  the first thing to be sunk would be the American air craft carrier UK"!              

                                            We are a very tiny spot on the world map, 50 million people? How long would it take modern weapons to wipe us off the face of the globe? Not very long.

                                                 Big brother America, wouldn't be able to help out much, the rest of Europe? They would want to keep well out of it. The UN could well send a very nasty letter, but they are all tossers!!

                                 No war, annihilation of the UK quite possible!

    What could we do? Send out a gun boat to quell the restive natives?

                           Don't think so do you?

    Yes I do know this is none of your idea, but who with any sense at all could imagine a war between Russia and the UK???

  3. Don't give a toss.

  4. The Russians know that it is just Milliband bleating into the wind.

    I'm in the UK and have seen no threats of war.

    If you are referring to the proposed Cold War as threatened by Milliband, then forget it.

    If Milliband wants a cold war with Russia, I'm sure Russia doesn't give a toss.

    I had visions of millions of Russians running about tearing their hair out in anguish because one wholly insignificant and second rate Politician has shook his little fist and shouted boo.

    Brown might declare war, but that would only be to take some of the financial heat off him; can you name one British person that would take any notice of Brown.

    No, Bush is the one to watch; he is barking mad, and would love to press a button.

    Just to prove that he is better than his Dad.  

  5. Russians have a lot of money from their oil, natural gas and gold mining business. They do not want to have a war with the West. But, if Uncle Sam and Uncle Henry insist on having a war with Russia because of their broken domestic economy and social issue, Russian will not refuse such invitation but this time Comrade Russian will form a pact with  it neighbour China to deal with the West.  

  6. Im from the UK and i havent heard any of this! The Americans probably wanna start a war between the UK and Russia like on the playground when you want someone to fall out!  

  7. Please don't keep insulting the Americans.  I don't believe we are anywhere near going to war with Russia, in fact, we couldn't.

  8. Not at all this is what's known as internet banter. This may spark bigger events elsewhere in the world but we have strong bonds with our big cousin Russia we won two world wars together. the cold war was a minor skirmish like a fight at a family party that's all. we should look for the best in times like these

  9. If we do I suspect that's us [expletive deleted] then.

    We're struggling to get enough men for Afghanistan

  10. They're not going to, it's all hot air.

  11. I do not think Russia and Britain are going to war anytime. There is no enemy vision in the both nation, I think. In this case it would be Milliband,s private war.

  12. i'm uk , no mention of war that i know of. we don't have the resources

    to start with. the best that may happen is UN get involved, but we're

    not going to war it would be suicide

  13. he was talking about a cold war - a cooling of relationships

    not a full on shooting war

    and i think it is your view as i haven't seen it muted by anyone educated or not......

    you could do better than make judgements about people and world events based on a random selection of questions and answers on an internet 'chat' site

  14. lol - ofcourse the UK isn't going to go to war with Russia... thats rediculous.

    We are too far apart for starters... also, we aren't going to follow a PM we didn't even vote for to lead us into war when we can't even afford to live atm.

    Not our problem is my opinion on the matter.

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