
Why does everyone think blondes are dumb?

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Where has this stereotype come from? And do people believe it?




  1. If a Blondie and a brunette jumped out of a 20th story window who would hit the ground first...................................... brunette

    The blond would stop to ask for directions

  2. it began as polish people..... then turned to blondes....

    polish people tend to be blonde....

  3. i like real blonds, they taste like chicken. [just kidding] they taste like vanilla ,. [just kidding again] ,

  4. The reason is perfectly simple.  The lower the intelligence of a woman, the more likely she is to want to change her appearance to make her look like something she is not.  One of the most popular female deceptions/disguises being blond.  

    This phenomenon of deceit is practised by virtually all women but the women of good taste and intelligent are more likely than stupid women without good taste to at least try and look natural even if they are not.  

    The afore mentioned stupid women with no taste tend to dress up like the town bike and then wonder why people call them thick.

  5. Stereotypes happen because those in the in-group (not blondes in this case) see representatives of the out-group (blondes) and make conjectures about the few they see.  And by in-groups and out-groups I don't mean which one is better, but when you belong to a group its the in-group and anyone not in your group is an out-group, it changes with who you belong to and yada yada...

    Anyway... well there must have been a time when blondes were acting like fools and non-blondes saw it and went, "wow, they must all be stupid!"  And since there are enough blondes that do act stupid from time to time (not all do it however) the stereotype can persist.

    It also doesn't help when blondes themselves have referred to themselves as having a "blonde" moment... just watch "Legally Blonde the Musical:  The Search for Elle Woods" and you'll see what I mean... especially the part where the brunettes all dye their hair blonde to become Elle.

  6. Throughout history women have always been viewed as not non-intelligent.  Much like the saying goes; 'children should be seen and not heard.'  That same reasoning went for woman as well.  Men have always viewed women as objects, however the dumb blond bit probably came about when motion pictures started and actresses such as the Marilyn Monroe types only played the dumb role/damsel in distress types.  

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