let me tell you, i am homeschooled. i have no time to slack off, or my mom yells at me. i have no advantage, only in being more educated.all you public schoolers do is:
1st- sit, do work.
2nd-sit, do more work.
3rd- Opps, jimmy got in trouble, time for a lecture on why not to do what he did!
8th-sit, more work.
9th- opps, Robert forgot his assignment, a lecture from your teacher telling him not to do that anymore, in an angry rage.
10th- homework for all the lost lecture time (you know that IS the only reason the teachers give you that, right?)
well, no criticizing. i am not trying to be offensive, but i am sitting here, all done with school, because:
1st-I have no homework, because i do not have to makeup for the lost time the lectures took.
2nd-I get all my question asked, so i don't have to sit there holding my hand up.
I am not trying to be rude, just telling you the truth about what goes on in your day.