
Why does everyone think miley cyrus is a s**t?

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okay i know alot of people out there hate the girl but really, regarding those pictures of her you can go on myspace and see pictures like that or worse so why are her pictures such a big deal?





    -her pictures are a BIG DEAL..because that reveals the real miley cyrus, thats how she acts in real life..

    Im so sick of her questions

    im sick of her annoying songs..


    miley's gonna be a p**n star one day!

  2. Cause she's a Celebrity, A 'Disney Star' (Who I guess are suppose to be Innocent, and pure.)...Personally...I don't like her music, But I don't think she's a s**t...Those types of Pictures are something almost every 15 year old does.

  3. Because she posted pictures over and over again.  She claimed how sorry she was and that it was a mistake.  But you do NOT go around and make the same mistake over and over again.  She is a fake.

  4. Its not that you cant trust it. Those are HER pictures, not the medias or anyone else's. Even if she did say there would be no more, she is a normal person and its not her fault someone hacked into her phone and spread those pictures everywhere.

    If she wasnt famous or a role model people wouldnt be labeling her so harshly but thats how people work.

  5. because she dress all weird and she acts so dumb

  6. Ya the pics aren't even a big deal, none of them show anything more than a bellybutton, whats so wrong with that? It's not like you see her b***s and her butt like some other young celebrities do! Miley is the complete opposite of a s**t! But people are just so retarded these days, that they don't realise who good people really are! Miley is a great person, she's strong, mature, talented and is a good role model! Well hope this helps! =)

  7. shes a celebrity on a promise

    disney: 'don't worry ol achy breaky, we'll make your daughter a star. it's what we do!'

    does my fuking head in.  


    She can't sing either!!

    Her songs are pointless and stupid!!!

    she has no talent and she is over-rated for being a suckish w***e

  9. pardon? did you ever see those pictures? did you see how many there were? did you see what she was doing? do you know what she claims to be? do you know why she did it?  

  10. cuz she is a s**t

  11. She kept saying sorry, and that she wouldn't take more, and then more of the pictures would be released, so you really can't trust the girl.

  12. Because she is a celebrity claiming to be a good role model and "really mature for her age" and feeds the media bulls*** about her being pure or whatever.  And she says her life is hard because she has big b***s and curves.  Wtf??  And, excuse me, it is comletely false that "all teenage girls have pictures like that on myspace."  I don't know anybody who would take pictures of themselves in there underwear and bra or wet in the shower with a white t-shirt.  You know why?  Because people would call them s***s.  There you go.

  13. Mainly they're a big deal because of her target audience.  If she's supposed to be a role model for girls ages 4-12, and she's flashing around her bra, then parents don't want her setting those kinds of examples.

    Plus, she's called herself 'curvaceous' and she has said, 'I have big b***s.'  Which is a lie.  She's no bigger than me, and many find that obnoxious.

  14. It wasn't her fault those pictures got shown, i mean every teenage girl likes to take pictures of themselves, her phone was hacked it wasn't her fault.  x

  15. Because she's wayyyy too mature for her age. A 15 year old should still look young and fresh and she looks like a washed up 25 year old already.  

  16. ummm yes she is an $%^7*#@!  i think she needs to fall off the face of this earth!!!

  17. no i don't think she is...i don't particularly care for her...but what makes her s**t? The same stuff every other teenage girl in america does? And provocative photos is a part of her act...Brittany did it too...lets just hope Miley doesn't get on drugs.

  18. They're a big deal for her because she is in a position where she is a role model to a lot of little girls out there.

    I know some of my little cousins who are very young and they love her so much, and I definitely don't want them to end up doing bad stuff like that and acting in those ways.

    She should've been more's not like she didn't know once she accepted a job at Disney that she was going to be looked up to by many children.

  19. She's a L*****n if you ask me

  20. If you see sum of the pics of her you'll know why people say she's S****y.

    Examples..Laying with a boy in a bed with only a black bra on. Standing under water with only a white shirt on. Always lifting up her shirt to show off her stomach.

    Every latest pic you see of her she's wearing less and less clothes. Soon she'll just be naked in all her pics. She needs to act her age and stop trying to act grown.

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