
Why does everyone think that Elizabeth Hasslebeck is going to go at it with every democrat on the view?

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Everytime a democrat goes on The View (Machelle Obama for example) think Oh she's gonna kick their a**. or something? It's not like that with other people. I'm the only democrat in my family and we get along fine. I don't sock people at work in the stomach who are republican when they start talking about it. Its really obnoxious. Yea her and Rosie O'Donnell went at it all the time, but thats not because of their political views or Rosie being a L*****n, it's because Rosie O'Donnell is a moron who dosen't know when to shut the big hole on her face.




  1. I lean to the right on a lot of things, but hasslebeck is just stupid!

  2. I guess you don't understand TV very well. Do you think anyone would tune in if they didn't argue?

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