
Why does everyone think that the ouija board is fake?

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I did it for about 5 hours this weekend and moved it by myself. I watched people move it with their fingers not really touching it. It answered questions that only one person knew the answer to and they didnt have their hand on it. Lastly we played the number game where someone would stand far away with a certain amount of fingers up and the board would guess it right every single time (we did it 30 times) and the people with the board didnt know the correct answer. So it really doesnt make sense to me why everyone feels this way!




  1. So, are you suggesting that a company like Parker Brothers made a deal with a bunch of demons or spirits to appear whenever a group of teenagers get together to find out how many fingers one of them has up behind their back?  Why in God's name would it be an authentic way of communicating with the supernatural.  IT's ridiculous.  The fact that it guessed it right every single time suggests a fluke in your monotonous attempts to justify the irrational.  By the way, herd behavior would influence all of you to jump to conclusions and consider the Ouija board, a trademark name, to be genuine.  This brings up another question.  If I happen to buy a Ouija board and it doesn't work for me, who do I file a lawsuit against:  Parker Brothers or the spirits who failed to show up to tell me what my friend was thinking about?  Can Parker Brothers file a breach of contract suit against the demons.  How much money would the spirits be paid?  The Ouija board is a fake.  Was, Is, Will be.  Forever.  Don't spend another 5 hours of you weekend to do this.   Go outside and get some fresh air.  Watch a movie.  Get an inspector to check your house for gas leaks or something.  Peace.

  2. Its Satanic

  3. Because it is ?

  4. Well I believe in ghosts and evil spirits. I think that there are real evil spirits moving it. The reason that sometimes it gets the wrong answers is when people REALLY DO move it.

  5. There is one basic reason why people do not believe in the power of the spirits who "speak" through a Ouija board or other divination device. The fact that you have had firsthand experience with the Ouija board has made you a believer. There are others who have not had this experience, and the idea of paranormal activity surrounding divination devices such as Ouija boards, runes, Tarot cards and the like is ludicrous to them.

    Since no one rooted in the world of reality can see these spirits, nor can anyone really prove they exist, many people have concluded they cannot possibly exist at all. But you cannot prove a negative, and no one who has an ounce of sense can say with absolute certainty that beings who exist outside of our reality do not in fact exist. This is where the concept of an open mind comes in. Unless you have concrete proof that something exists, you cannot say for certain that it does exist. Conversely, if you have no concrete proof that something does not exist, then you cannot say for certain that it doesn't. The fact that you have never seen any evidence of supernatural beings is not proof that they are fictitious.

    For those who are interested, the following is a form message I use on Yahoo! Answers and in other fora to explain how Ouija boards actually work. If you have already read the following before, you can move on, as there is nothing new to learn here.

    There is a popular belief that an Ouija board has some inherent power, or that spirits live inside the board or planchette. This is not correct. The Ouija board is simply a board with letters, numbers, a few words, and copyright and/or patent information, and the planchette is a small inert device that has been designed to move easily across the board. There is nothing magic or mysterious about the board or planchette themselves, and the mere presence of such devices will not cause paranormal events to occur.

    The board's power comes from the calling forth of spirits. The participant(s) get(s) the attention of these spirits and ask(s) them questions, whereupon the spirits respond by moving the planchette around on the board. Many people believe a person can call forth the spirit of someone who has passed on, or some other specific entity, but this has never been proven, to my knowledge. The spirit(s) who are summoned will often not have any singular identity at all.

    Those spirits who do have identities will usually be vague, evasive or misleading about their names. This is because knowing their names can give the experienced summoner power over the spirits themselves, and the spirits can then be forced to do things they don't want to do. This is very undesirable to the spirits, of course, who want to keep their liberty and freedom intact.

    The spirits who are summoned in this way are never good ones. Good spirits will not respond to this type of summoning. Sometimes the spirits who are summoned are neutral or mischievous, and will often simply give random answers to participants' questions.

    Other spirits may be more powerful than these, and may actually have limited knowledge they may impart. However, these spirits are nearly always malevolent, and when summoned they may decide to take residence in the room or household where they are summoned. Sometimes they will even take residence in the participants themselves! Once they have taken residence, they can manifest themselves in our world of reality in real and very frightening, and in some cases very destructive, ways.

    Depending on the power of these malevolent beings, one may be able to drive them out in a variety of ways. These spirits are very legalistic, however, and some of them may have the power to take up permanent residence in the room, household or person they have elected to haunt.

    These spirits can only be gotten rid of by identifying the source of their right to be wherever they are, renouncing this right, and flooding the host with good spirits. They can then be forced to flee. Very powerful evil spirits may be difficult to exorcise even in this manner, but it is the only manner that has been proven to be successful.

    If you do call forth spirits to manipulate objects in the real world and divulge information, you are asking for trouble. My advice is, DON'T! No information received in this way is worth the potential risk of possession by evil spirits. Many lives have been completely destroyed in this way. Please, don't let this happen to you. If you are tempted to use divination devices to call forth spirits, get rid of them. Your life will be much better for it. - LJS

  6. i never thought it was fake, but I'm not going to s***w with "things" that shouldn't be screwed with.

  7. i had the same experience. my 2 friends were touching the board and they asked my moms age and it got it. i suggest you dont ask questions about death though because my friend joyce told me a story about her 2 friends that were twins. they asked they board "how is mom gonna die" and it spelled out CANCER. 2 months later she was diagnosed with cancer. now she is dead.

  8. the ouija borad is not fake!!!! im with whoever wrote this question. the spirts are not evil. i know some spirts one is my friend. well if you were there you would belive me!!! i was at my friends house and the 4 of us were playing than we asked the spirts name and there was 3 spirts in the room one was named amanda. she hated me cause i kept teasing her and stuff. then the spirts started hitting me and punching me i could feel it but i couldnt see them. than amanda controlled my legs an made be walk into stuff. than she made me go outside and made me walk backwards in to the pool. and i hate swiming so i could have never done that on my own. i did that like 12 times before she stoped. she stayed with me for 2 weeks after that.we became friends right before she left. i dont care if you dont belive me.

  9. Because it really is fake?

    Jeeze, what do you think, that spirits are really moving the planchette around?

    Get a grip, dude or dudette.

  10. It could easily be real evil spirits, this sort of thing is forbiden in the bible so it wouldnt be good spirits, ask god through jesus to ward of the evil.

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