
Why does everyone think the "liberal greenies" are responsible for damaging the economy??

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This has turned into the #1 reason NOT do go green or be cleaner... Because everyone thinks it's some economy sabotaging agenda by the "liberal hippies"

Isn't the economy pretty much wrecked as it is? UNDER BUSH?? aren't the "liberal nutjobs" adamantly opposed to the Iraq war and the overuse of oil, both of which are the main contributors to overspending and thus, a weak economy?

If anything all this "green agendas" would be excellent for our economy. No war for oil saves trillions right there, and developing cleaner technology will save the consumer lots of money and create new jobs




  1. No new drilling for oil, no new refineries, I wonder why the price of oil is so high?

    Oh yeah- it's all Bushes fault

  2. It's not the 'greenies', it's the socialist/communist camp followers who have invaded the movement.

    Socialism is deadly to capitalistic economies.

  3. Actually a nice example:

    Trade Unions AND Conservatives together pooled to stop the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol by the US unless emerging economies like China follow over fear of jobs being sent oversears....


    - the US has not signed the Kyoto protocol

    - jobs have left the US without despite the lack of climate regulation; this happened mainly as a pure result of companies going to where the growing demand is (heavy industries).

    - no new highly qualified jobs (such as in Britain) have been created

  4. You've heard of the term "scapegoating" haven't you?  This was very popular in the 1950's.  If somebody disagreed with you they called you a "Communist" or a "Socialist", and that was what you were unless you could somehow prove you weren't.  I saw this lowbrow tactic destroy many lives, and elevate many shameful people to positions of power.  If it isn't opposed it will go on until the People holler "ENOUGH!" and a backlash occurs sufficient to end it.  There are many casualties in those types of needless conflicts.

  5. I think that anyone with half of a brain knows that this war and our monkey of a president are responsible for making a shambles out of the economy.

  6. Many people will not realize that without a healthy Environment ,there is NO economy

    just look back in history.

    Wealthy Civilizations were always coupled to a wealthy Environment.

  7. Oil is where the money is, that's why, and the conservatives can't bear to break away from the old ways.

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