
Why does everyone think they are so righteous and tough on the internet for these people asking a question?

by  |  earlier

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you ask a question for help right?? what kinda help is name calling and putting down and not even answering the question that was asked?? how is that helping?? sure typing insults to people you don't know or ever met, or will ever meet... tough, real tough... smart guy!!!




  1. It's true, we're all capable of abusing the bravery that anonymity lends us.  I made a joke once in answer to someone's question, and then felt bad about it.  But I assume the really bad offenders have some kind of personal problem, a weakness that they can only overcome by bullying strangers online.

    Sorry about whatever happened to make you ask this question.  But if you want to really see this phenonemon at its worst, may I suggest you check out the knot?  Log in and enter a chat room.  Brutal!

  2. You're a Buttface!

    *flexes muscles*

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