
Why does everyone want Hillary Clinton to drop out of the democratic race?

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Barrack Obama does not have 2225 delegates and everyone is so atuned to Super Tuesday as the end date and now look everyone is getting involved because of the situation.I asy it's not over till it's over!




  1. It is NOT 2225 delegates.

    Michigan and Florida broke Dem Party Rules... they held Illegitimate primaries.

    Saying their votes should count would be like saying any other illegitimate votes should be counted. The primary process is an internal nominating process that is carried out by the political parties according to internal party rules -- this is NOT the national election, no one has a RIGHT to vote in a primary -- voting for the Party nominee is a privilege of Party Members following the rules and protocols of the Party. Why should Michigan and Florida be allowed to break the rules without consequences? They knew they would lose their delegates and they broke the rules anyway. If we are going to count their illegitimate votes, why not count non-party members votes, or incarcerated felons' votes, or foreign citizens' votes, or any other illegitimate vote?

    If Michigan and Florida are pissed off, they should take it up with their local Democratic Party leaders who screwed up and didn't follow the rules of the DNC. It is the party leaders in those states that are to blame. Florida and Michigan can exercise their RIGHT to vote in November... as for the Primary, they fore fitted their PRIVILEGE to vote by not following the rules.

    BTW, Super Tuesday is long passed... obviously you (like most of America) don't understand the Primary system, or what it is...

  2. She's already mathematically eliminated, she's just staying in for her ego

  3. Obama looks like he could be president. He is all about change and about a different type of politics.

    McCain and Clinton are just super rich people so they will look after super rich people and as such there will be no change.

    I wonder if Hillary will continue to campaign after Obama is president.

  4. Everyone wants Hillary to drop out because in my belief since shes a woman. I think Hilary would make a difference by staying in as when her husband was in office he brought the economy out of a recession and like hiliary stated " It took one Clinton to recover the world from Bush Sr. Itll take another clinton to recover from Bush jr.

  5. some times you gotta know when your beat.... Hillary would be a very bad president anyway, this is a blessing we will not have to continue to look at her anymore...

  6. she is already done, there is no possible way she can come back now, she has absolutely NO momentum, wheras Obama has a lot. She is only hurting the party by staying in the race.

  7. ...Maybe she should drop out b/, b/c she's a FEMALE.

  8. They are worried that the Republicans have already started to rally around their candidate and the Democrats are still beating up on themselves.

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