
Why does everyone want peace?

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Seriously, if you go on myspace or just look around the street you'll find people [mostly girls] throwing up the peace sign or wearing peace necklaces. I do not get it, I don't want peace. I think it's absolutely a stupid thing because it's never going to happen. I admit though, I did used to hold the peace sign up, but I didn't know why. Now I realized that I was just doing it because a lot of other people were. Is that why you see these teenage girls with all the shirts, bags, and necklaces that have the peace sign on them because someone they thought was cool had it so they got it as well? Why does everyone want peace?




  1. something to do with the instinct for survival

    War kills a lot of people

    And the next one wont be pretty

    it will make Hiroshima look like Micky mouse

    But don`t worry

    you may get your wish

    America has been preparing the scenario for war for some time now

    I wonder if you will feel the same if it happens in your back yard

    a shining example that the brainwashing has been effective


    But basically you are right ,this world has never known peace

    religions are created to keep us divided and wars are orchestrated to keep down our numbers ,Keep us under control and money can be made on the conflicts.

    the age old strategy of DIVIDE AND RULE

    Sadly full marks

  2. Your ****** in the head if you don't want peace girl!

  3. may b b/c peace is what a lot of ppl want.don't u want 2 b by ur self sometimes,quiet...just so that u can think=may b b/c of drama and crazy things that r going on in the world or something lk that!!!=D

  4. these girl are in deep need for  real men, Military makes men out of boys and when these men come home from war they will be available to these girls.

  5. i agree ... total peace would be boring .. plus wars keep the worlds population down somewhat.. survival of the fittest is long gone and the dumbest people live and reproduce.. have you seen the movie idiocracy?

  6. peace would be great, no one fighting or killing each other.

    no wars none of would be a great thing! but it well never happen.

  7. People are in it for the fashion. I'm in it to make a difference. Honestly, I have made public speeches about 7 times. Quoting Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock when he said "if we can conquer the hate in our self's, we can conquer hate it self." Most people say this just for the necklaces and fashion as I said. It's the new era of fashion statements. Last week it was that everyone was bisexual.  Kids need to learn.

  8. I think the question should be why DON'T you want peace?

    Give Peace a Chance :D

  9. Just because you dont THINK something is possible, doesn't mean it ISN'T possible. Some things just take more time and effort than others and peace just so happens to be one of those things.

    Oh, and one more thing... the thought of peace isn't stupid.

    You are for thinking it.

  10. Why don't you want peace?  Do you seriously want people to keep killing people?  It seems cruel, illogical, and wrong.

    I don't go around wearing peace signs or holding the peace sign, but I do want peace.  Killing individuals of your own species is just stupid; humans are humans, none are born better or worse than others.

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