
Why does everything always happen to me?

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Everything i get in life, thats good, always gets taken away again, as quick as it was given.

For example i always wanted a brother or sister, then my mom got pregnant, i was over the moon, only to find out 3 weeks later, that she had miscarried, My world felt like it was ending, on top of that, i have to deal with panic attacks, which rule my life, stuff gets given then taken away again, i just feel like if my life is going to be like this forever, then its not worth living.

Any advice or personal experiences?, im crushed that ill never have a bro or sis, and my world feels as though its falling through!




  1. What do you mean you will never have a brother or a sister?just because your mother miscarried does not mean she will never try to have another child again.Miscarriage does not mean infertility.Never say never.It is not the end of the world if you do not have a sibling.There are much worse things.You have your family and your friends and you should be satisfied with what you have.

    If you think you will loose everything you have then you will because you will make it happen with your fear of loosing that which you care about.When a person you care about tries to get close to you you will reject him because you fear that you will be hurt if you let him get close because you lost everything else so you think you will loose him too.

    If you continue to act this way you will loose everything.You have to want what you see instead of always thinking about if you are going to loose it.Think about wanting and not loosing and you will get it.

    The law of attraction.

    If you think about loosing you will loose.You create your own destiny.

    You cannot predict the future nor if your mother will have the wisdom not to make the same "mistake"twice.Remember that.

  2. You know having panic attacks sucks.  I had panic attacks from just having to talk to people.  You have to go into though situations that make you have a panic attack and after awhile you won't have them no more.

    Don't you say everything is taken away from you.  I had my childhood taken away from me.  I was raped 2 by my neighbor at 10 years old. I was molested my a teacher and then by a counslor for 6 months.  I was put into a treatment center for 4 months and had my freedom taken away because of these men.  And there are still things that can be taken away from me.  I can go back into a treatment center or worse jail and have no freedom.  You don't know hant you have until it is gone.

  3. It's not the end of the world.Just because your mom had a miscarriage,doesn't mean that she won't try to get pregnant again.Pray to GOD about this.GOD is the only one who can handle this.It seems that you might have depression.Like I said,just because all of this stuff is happening to you,it doesn't mean that your life is going to be like this forever.Another thing,think about all of the other people out there who have it way worse than you.The homeless,the hungry?They don't even know if they will make it to the next day.Some of the kids in Africa don't even live after the age of two.All of the victims in Hurricane Katrina that lost their homes.You must think of those that are less fortunate than you.Like I said,your mom will probably try to get pregnant again and maybe the next time,it won't be a miscarriage so cheer up!I hope that I helped you in some way or another or something.GOD BLESS you!

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