
Why does everything in Britain have to be done for charity?

by Guest66772  |  earlier

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Why does everything in Britain have to be done for charity?




  1. Not everything in Britain is done for charity, but most people help raise money or volenteer their time for charity as it helps others that are in need. If you really had to ask this question then obviously you don't agree to charity.

  2. You could be referring to the marathon here.... I think people are raising money for charities that have touched their lives somehow.

    If your gonna run you might as well do some good while your at it. . So I guess its just down to good people

  3. because britian is a kind place

  4. So that's where the United States got that idea... thanks A LOT.

  5. does it??

  6. it's nice to know that what your doing is going to someone in need but yes i do agree most things are based around charity

  7. i know it should be done for me

  8. If there is an abundance of charity in Britain, dont forget us "rellies" from Downunder, we could do with some too....

  9. Thatcher cut funding for many things that would, previously, have been funded by the government, encouraged people towards individualism over collectivism, and managed a reduction of the size of the Welfare State.

    Hence, functions that had previously been undertaken by the state (e.g. funding motorised wheelchairs for disabled children) were now to be funded by the private sector - resulting in the vast growth in charities (with highly paid charitable workers on board) in the eighties.  

    Where, in the past, charitable giving had mostly been a private act which was done modestly and without fanfare, in the eighties almost anything a person wanted to do to give themselves pleasure (run a marathon, have a party, climb Everest, cycle to Cuba) could be dressed up as a charitable act, thereby bathing the person in a golden glow of supposed virtue whilst they actually did what they wanted to do for their own  pleasure.  

    In many cases, if the person doing the charitable stunt and the person sponsoring them just handed the money over to the charity direct without the stunt taking place, there would probably be a great deal more of it.

    This is why Ant and Dec now refer to charity with a sneer as 'charidee' - they know that the so-called celebs in the jungle 'for charidee' are actually there for the benefit of their own failing careers.

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