
Why does everything look alike (in the business industry) ?

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In the business industry why do everything look alike? Such as automobiles, computers, cameras?

For an example why do every car have the same accurate parts and come out with the same features. All the features and parts are put together the same. Its too acurate for a company to try and copy another company rather than both companies purchasing a part from a supplier company? Hope y'all get what I'm trying to ask...if not just let me know so I can re write!

Are there supplier companies that supply different companies with the same featured parts to fit a company brand styling?




  1. Form follows function. Most items made by competing manufacturers look very similar because the designers long ago realized that the items HAD to be made in a similar fashion. ie:(most cameras look very similar due to their function) Most cars today look alike because they are all streamlined and there are only so many ways to acheive that. And yes,most new electronic items are supplied  with parts from just a few manufacturers. Take apart any brand VCR,or DVD player, or any electronic device and you will find most of the chips,diodes,capacitors etc supplied by the same companies. Most stores have their own line of electronics that are actually made by a well known company for them to sell under the stores brand name.

  2. it symbolizes consistency.

  3. Specialization is the short story.  Businesses and even countries, states, regions, whatever have their own thing that they do best.  It costs more and is inefficient and maybe even impossible to create everything from scratch.

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