
Why does everything mean more than it does?

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Why does everything mean more than it does?




  1. ...

  2. we, as humans, feel the need to understand everything, probly so we could better understand how to control or stop something. just think about it, "life" really is just sleeping and eating and drinking enough to survive. everything else just helps us pass the time faster.  

  3. ...because there is life in the meaning...

  4. Because essentially everything does not have a meaning...You place meaning on it always being in state of extreme..Unfortunately it is a human curse... That Tibetan guys does not place meaning on anything and it does not sounds bad at all

  5. Everyone views things from a unique perspective, that perspective always attaches meaning and bias to things based on our history and experience.

    Humans have a difficult time judging and appreciating things on their accord, we need to compare and relate them to something else.  That "something else" is heavily based on each individual.

    We are not objective beings, we see everything as how it relates to us and our lives so that even the simplest things are connected to a vast connection of ideas and feelings, giving a far greater meaning to normally simple things.

    I hope that answers your question partially at least.

  6. A child comes home to tell it is not needed in school any longer because the teacher is asking it for the answers.

    This is man kind, so far removed from what is real it has no concept of reality.

    We now have this reality for all to examine but it will require effort and study. but then it has been there for 2000 + years and still not understood.

  7. I guess it's independent on each individuals definition of what everything means.

    To some nothing could mean everything.  Others are just content with just a few things in life.  I, however, am satisfied that I make everything mean more than it does.  

    It's the most beautiful thing in life that gets me going.  It's the way it dances through the air on a romantic night.  It's love and how spectacular it is.

    Love makes everything mean more to me.  How could it not?  It's kind of like the man who always searches for a heart of gold.  He has nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  8. You just think it does.

    Anybody can detatch themselves from anything

    Most just aren't willing to try, accept, or let go

  9. You mean why does things have significance? You don't have to give meaning or significance to anything, if you don't want to. To me that is the preferred state to be in, where everything is just what it is, but it takes years of meditation when you might not even get beyond your mind, but at least you don't have to identify with it, because it really isn't you.

  10. Too many thinkers trying to make something out of nothing.

  11. Because the human mind attaches value to it.  

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