
Why does eveyone hate EARL the PEARL?

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You have to respect the guy 5 US Open Championships! The only other one thats close is Mike Sigel with 3! Then a few guys with 2!

Yes he is very competitive and expects to be on his best game every game! There is nothing wrong with that and showing a little emotion!




  1. he cryes and whines too much if he would just shoot pool and not worey so much about the crowd and think he is getting a bad wrap he would not have a bad rep but I do like the livelyness he brings to a game it makes it much more interesting to watch if more players would have some type of dielog or coment during a tv match I think it would boost tv ratings

  2. As bad as Ive wanted someone to ask this question I really dont want to answer it if I do it will fill 2 pages without 1 good thing to say about him

                                            Sorry Johnny

  3. I think Lea summed it up nicely.  I agree with you.  I respect Earl's talent.  He's one of the best of all time.  I'm going to make a prediction that he's going to mellow out a bit over the upcoming years.  I'd like to believe that the worst of his behavior has passed.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.


  5. Earl the Pearl.......Barry can put them both in the same is just something about them that brings out the "dislike" of them....not going to say "hate"....that is too hard of a word to describe them....yes, jealousy is part of it but just a little projection of "humbleness" from them would be nice.....I am a lot like Earl....lots of temper and tantrums but I never disrespect my is all directed at me......and in all fairness, I have never met either one.....but for example I felt the same way about Mickey Mantle when I met him the first time..truly arrogant toward me and the other fans....but it did not stop me from loving his game and "tearing" at his last news conference.......Earl is truly one of the greatest just needs a "PR" person to polish him up!

  6. I don't hate Earl at all. He is in my top ten of all time. And this is coming from a guy who was there ( front row and center) when he walked away from a finals match against Cory Duell in Milwaukee back in 1999. He was unhappy with the spot placement on the table , saying it was too far forward. And he didn't like the racks he was getting from Scott Smith. He was only down by one game but he just packed up his stick and left. A lot of people , including myself , were upset but what could we do.Even after all that I still have respect for the man. When he was in his prime he was one of the most feared players on the planet. Sure he whines and complains and isn't always a great sport but he sure can liven up a room. No matter what they think of him people still crowd around his table at the tournament , it may be out of curiosity or it may be because of his great talent but either way they still do it.


    Earl is an outstanding player. A long series of wins against the very best competition in pool. I wish I could play anywhere near him. The man is unbeatable. Earl is a god!......................

    ......................................... still an a***e of a person and after sarcastically complimenting him I shall now throw up!



  8. 5 US open Championships=1 special olympic medal won by "corky" from Life goes on..meaning that they HAVE to give it to him so he'll STFU..haha..There's a special thing that 99% of REAL pool players have..(that 1% is Earl)...and that's SPORTSMANSHIP..when I lose, I lose with a smile & a handshake..not kicking the table, crying about the rules, blaming someone else, etc..he doesn't set a good example..and frankly, yes, he IS a crybaby..and it's not called a "little" emotion..if he can't have his way...all h**l breaks loose! THAT'S why ppl don't like the dude...not jealousy...(h**l, I don't wanna be like that)...with a dude like Earl...there's no need to get married....just watch him and one of his games and you're all set...same difference..haha.....but this is just my opinion.....he does have a good shot...but all else makes it nothing........................DreO

  9. Oh, they're just jealous :)  But speaking of Earl the Pearl...come on, is there nothing better to call him than Earl the Pearl?  My two-year-old could do better, don't you agree? It reminds me of when they blow the whistle thing when they announce Michael Coltrain (get it? Michael ColTRAIN? Clever!!!).  There's another one too, I think, but I can't think of it.  Anyway, so he wouldn't exactly get the sportsmanship award, right? Broken a few too many cues for everyone's liking?  Complained that the crowd was distracting him one too many times?  Whined about everyone else using the soft break?  I agree with what?


    p.s. no offense to you Earl haters (i.e. Johnny and Kevin, but I have to say that what Kevin said about things in Earl's life going horribly devastatingly wrong, like a light not turning green fast enough or the eggs being too done, was pretty darn funny)

    p.p.s. I didn't really think you were jealous, Kevin, that's a different story :) Just kidding.

  10. Wow I dont think I better say anything I thought he was kidding.

                                               Thanks Monica

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