
Why does fatal error happen?

by  |  earlier

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while simulating my VHDL code in Model Sim, it stops when it reaches the line:

codeWord <= d_table_99_a(to_integer(total_zeros))(to...

and the parameters are:

codeWord : OUT unsigned (dataArrayLen - 1 DOWNTO 0);

total_zeros : IN unsigned (3 DOWNTO 0);

tzVlcIndex : IN unsigned (3 DOWNTO 0);

TYPE Chroma_2x2_tzVlcIndex IS ARRAY (0 TO 2) of unsigned(2 DOWNTO 0); -- tz

TYPE Chroma_2x2_total_zeros IS ARRAY (0 TO 3) of Chroma_2x2_tzVlcIndex; -- total_zero

CONSTANT d_table_99_a : Chroma_2x2_total_zeros :=






and the error is:

# Fatal error at D:/ModelSim/totalZeros.vhd line 148




  1. This is some crazy VHDL. The most vhdl I did in college was a few liners, but I wasn&#039;t a CE major. Having said that, I don&#039;t know if my suggestion will help any. The fatal error most likely happens because you are attempting to cross a limit. Ie: below 0: make sure dataArrayLen is not 1. Hope that helps.

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