
Why does feminism get blamed for so much?

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It seems that feminism gets blamed for everything. I'm surprised someone hasn't linked feminism to global warming yet. Why is feminism blamed for teen promiscuity (particularly female promiscuity because, for some reason, girls having s*x is SO MUCH WORSE then boys having s*x)? Teens have been having s*x for a long long time (Romeo and Juliet, anyone?). Not saying its right (because in my opinion its not) but feminism did NOT bring it about.

Destruction of family? How has feminism brought about destruction of family?

Why is it that if something is wrong with society, feminism seems to be the scape goat?

And what else have you heard (or believe, I suppose) that feminism is at fault for?




  1. Because feminist are women of weaker minds and ego's than their non-feminist sisters.  Some of the answers from the female chauvinist pigs shows that feminism isn't really about equality, but superiority.  I used to get angry about it, but they're mostly a joke at best.  They're just petty, little people with massive inferiority complexes.  It started off righteous, but now, it's pathetic.  Ignore them, they'll go away, hopefully not go away mad.    

  2. Because of feminism, men can no longer act like men without being labeled a sexist pig or a pervert. If he acts masculine in any way he's an oppressive jerk who only "uses" women.

    - If a woman walks around in provocative clothing and a guy stares it means HE'S the pervert who can't control his urges even though she's the one wearing that stuff.

    -If a guy and girl are at a party, both are drunk, both consent and have s*x, she regrets it the next morning and so now he's a rapist.

    -If a man acts in a chilvious or gentlemanly manner towards a woman (offer his coat, hold open a door, let her go first) she looks at him as though he just slapped her.

    But to answer the teen s*x thing. Your right teens have been having s*x for a long time and it just happens so I dont understand why it's such a big fuss. I think when teen girls get pregnant or when teens start passing around STD's then it becomes an issue.

    I have no problem with teens having s*x RESPONSIBLY

  3. It's pretty simple really it's because it can all be linked to feminism.

    At least the examples you gave.

    Before feminism more people waited until marriage before s*x. So before feminism promescuity was at a much lower rate.

    Feminism destroys families with things like no fault divorce and DV laws that take the womans word that she was "abused" without proof and jail the man.

    Feminism has pushed for laws that make fathers second class parents under the law feminist also push for the criminal amounts of child ransom fathers have to pay.

    Feminists say it is in the best interest that mothers get custody over fathers because women are the primary care givers. What does primary care giver really mean that women are better at cutting the crust off of sandwhiches. I mean come on that is clearly just a way to ensure mothers get custody.

    They break up families by pushing fathers out of the picture. How affective a parent can a father be with only four days a month to parent their kids.

    It is blatantly obvious the the feminists agenda has not helped the world just women and only women.


  4. Because most of this c**p didn't start happening until feminism destroyed gender roles (identity) and started the so called "sexual revolution".

    It's either the fault of feminism OR a VERY VERY BIG COINCIDENCE.  

  5. A lot of people-- usually men, and usually men with Christian values state that feminism has ruined a lot of things and then they'll give you a list whilst they pout and rant.  However, people are only aware of the negativity instead of what feminism truly means.  One definition of "feminism" is the "belief in equality in the sexes" while another states that it's "the advocacy of women's rights."  What in the h**l is so wrong about that?  Nothing.

    Now, if a man holds a door open for me--I appreciate it, because he could have continued about his business and not given a d**n about me.  However, if I'm at the door and the man takes too long to move: I'll open it my d**n self and leave it open for him.  I don't have all day.

  6. People like scapegoats. In this case, the men that blames their current state of life on feminism are threatened by females enjoying the privileges they onced monopolized. Females can enjoy s*x, they enjoy same pay and independence, they have the choice not to stay at home and look after babies and cook and clean. Some men don't like that, because it means they not only have to compete with men, they have to compete with women too.

    Some men here will deny that they feel threatened, but it doesn't explain why they are upset that women are doing "men" stuff. Since when is earning the same pay, or being a supervisor, or receiving education and enjoying s*x a "male" thing? It's merely a social construct, like Gender. What is "male" and what is "female" is never fixed, and it varies from culture to culture and historical periods.

    I guess the traditional way of defining masculine and femininity provides a false sense of security for both men and women. People feel safe when everything is categorized neatly for them, and if something upsets the balance, they go to offensive or defensive mode, like blaming women/g**s for aids, blaming women for the filth on tv, blaming women for things that go wrong in work.

  7. It all stems from the backlash against feminism that began in the '80's, and fostered by fulminating freaks like Rush Limbaugh, who labelled them "feminazis." It's all about men being threatened by women gaining power. A very good friend of mine was furious at feminists because his sweetheart had an abortion and he felt that it should have been a joint decision. Most of the anti-feminist rhetoric comes from my favorite villians, the stinking Fundies.Politically Incorrect is also wrong. When women are stared at by men, they feel as if they are being stalked. Face it: staring is hostile.  Women want the freedom to dress as they please, just the same as men. As for being drunk and then giving consent to s*x, it is illegal. It's illegal for a drunk person to sign a legal document, take out a loan, drive, and so forth. It's not that the drunk person will get in trouble for giving consent; the law is designed to protect drunk people from doing serious things when they can be easily tricked and duped.Yes, gender roles are in flux and this is tough. Many feminists feel that chivalry is patronizing, although being generous is not. Have respect for women's opinions.The smear that feminists are destroying families is 1) abortion - this prevents children from being born, 2) the proliferation of single moms (do you notice a double bind here? If you have an abortion you're a criminal, if you're a poor single mom who elects to have the baby you're welfare scum) , 3) the big increase in divorce rates (who wants to be tied for life to a lousy partner?) , and 4) the idea that feminists approve of lesbians being not only heads of household but also that they can g et legally married.I fully believe in equal rights. I even think that women are better adapted than men for certain demanding jobs, such as surgeons - women have smaller hands and finer hand-eye control than men. Smaller hands means smaller incisions.However, I must say that in the work field I find men to be more relaxed about following the rules. Girls are trained to be obedient, and when they become women, they expect everyone else to follow all the rules. Also, women pay more attention to details. Therefore I find it challengine to work with women who are my direct supervisors.One thing I miss from the 'old days' is the flirtatiousness that used to exist between men and women. Flirting is fun and is an ego booster.  That's why today the only women I call beautiful to their faces are foreigners. I've become a little afraid of American women, who are now extremely prickly about sexual harassment.

    Feminists did make one terrible error in their long career as public activists: this was the alliance with very racist Fundies to get Prohibition passed. We are still living with the bad results of this. Most people think that marijuana should never be legalized, even though it has no lethal dose, is less harmful than alcohol, and could be taxed enough to wipe out the federal debt. But then, stinking Fundies are hardly rational.

  8. The way some feminists here talk, it would seem like men suffering as a result of misandrist laws and feminist influence are just stats about which nothing should be done.

    The Domestic Violence Act of India has received a lot of a negative press from the newspapers lately for being far too misandrist and putting too much power in the hands of women.

    A man who filed for divorce after living with the burden of a dead marriage for 12 years was denied divorce. The Supreme Court said that it was God's will and he shouldn't be allowed a new beginning. His wife isn't too bothered, his wallet is hers. His right to life is being violated here, but nobody cares.

    I believe feminism is responsible for the systematic dismantling of men's rights and civil liberties for pleasing themsleves. Men have just become playthings for women.

    That's all I have to say. Feminism was stolen and hijacked by misandrists.

  9. Because it's true.  

  10. Men are just whining because we have leveled the playing field, and the world no longer caters exclusively to them. Think about it (that means YOU, Chevalier!):

    -Even before feminism, pre-marital s*x wasn’t that uncommon. But it still wasn’t very safe. Birth control and disease control weren't as effective as they are today. Religious beliefs were rampant. It was common belief that women did not enjoy s*x. It wasn't too common for a woman to have a good education, either. So of course the pre-marital s*x rate was lower than it is today. Women waited until marriage to have s*x because they had to, not because they wanted to.

    -Before femenism, divorce wasn’t easy, and was very frowned-upon by society, so of course the divorce rate was low. Women stayed in marriages because they had to, not because they wanted to. Is that your definition of family? Of love?

    -And what is this about pushing fathers out of the picture? NO single mother I know (and I know a few) wants their child’s father out of their child’s life. They do realize that they are needed. Now, if that young man isn’t conductive to the relationship, then it is the mother’s responsibility to protect her child from negative influences.

    -Before femenism, women didn't have much say in how their life would play out. But today we are no longer bound by chauvinist pig propaganda. Today every woman has a choice.

  11. I dont think so I just really found out about feminism when I came to this section like 2 months ago I knew what it was but not really anything outside the equality stuff

    Gona sound mean but I dont think feminism has made much of a impact from what I've seen in my community or surroundings but thats just wear I live. I always see the war as a scape goat. O snap my dog died at the age of 15..mustve been the war.

    My car battery died...darn war..

  12. Feminism gets blamed for plenty because  most of the individuals doing the blaming are quite clueless or they are often times speaking without much knowledge on the subject matter. People fear what they do not know or understand, I guarantee you that many of the people blaming feminism do not have an understanding of it or have limited resources on which they base their judgement. I would suggest that you read more on the subject, that is the best way to learn more about feminism and the contentions that surround it and it is also the best way to educate yourself and come up with your own conclusions. There is a lot of scholarly work at your disposal, take advantage of it.

    Though the responses people post are quite interesting for the most part, it is always a good idea to do a bit of research of credible sources.    

  13. I've heard that feminism is to blame for the rise in slasher movies. I am 100% serious. And people have linked divorce to global warming (meaning more electricity and gas being used with every new home) and feminism to more divorce, so it's only a matter of time.

  14. You realize of course that you just gave the cranks free license to rant?  Same predictable old BS, over and over again.  A broken record.  Why would you invite it, lol?

  15. For those that don't like change, especially change in gender roles, feminism is the perfect scapegoat to blame the woes of the world on. Feminism is also a perfect group for those who are unhappy or bitter to use to blame for their personal failures and losses. How often do you hear a feminist say that patriarchy ruined their marriage, vs the anti-feminists in this forum who say that feminism destroyed their marriage "and many others" (like them) and say as well that feminists are the "reason" for the "destruction of the family"?  

  16. I blame feminism for:

    global warming

    rising gas prices

    rising food prices

    receding hairlines

    bad fuel mileage



    high blood pressure

    why LSU won the national championship

    Okay I'm lying.

    I do think feminism has had side effects though.  Feminism has made it easier to get a divorce, which has led to splitting up of families.  Feminism has led to better anti-domestic violence laws, which is good, but they went too far and jail innocent men now, and I don't see too many feminists doing anything about it, so apparently they're okay with it.  If anything, they'll protest to keep things the way they are.  Feminists today often just seem to be going after petty things.

    However, you have a good point.  Feminism gets blamed for a ton of things that make little, if any, sense.

  17.   i don't know ,i thought everything was bush's fault. oh i get it because condi is really the one calling the shots! d**n feminist geniuses are ruining this country!

  18. Because you demand equality with men, and then when we give you a hug you call it sexual harassment. Yet when you touch the zipper on my pants I don't say anything. How is that equal?

  19. The right wing fundies demonize feminism to discourage anyone from identifying with the ideology.  Men prefer women to remain subservient because it furthers their own agendas.  Most freethinking intelligent people see feminism as what it is: promoting equality for all groups and that is not just women but the elderly, g**s, minorities, the disabled, and the poor to name a few groups that feminism champions.  Hard for those men to let go of their power which seems to be enhanced when the are able to exploit and oppress others.  At least in their eyes.

  20. Feminist philosophy has criticized marriage, men, masculinity, traditional family structure, traditional morality, gender, on and on.  So, yes, feminism must accept some responsibility.

  21. Divorce is easier regardless of s*x because of no fault divorce. Not everybody treats marriage as a live changing even. No fault divorce was pushed by feminism.

    Teen s*x is pushed on people that don't need encouragement. They are already horny enough. This might not be linked directly to feminism, but is linked to modern liberalism.

    Feminism or certain branches of feminism are under the influence of modern liberalism. The people that blame feminists for teen s*x are usually Jesus freaks. I blame the media on this one.  

  22. Everyone has someone else to blame; nobody it seems can take personal responsibility today. If things don’t work out for a man its women’s fault, if things don’t work out for a woman its man’s fault. To republicans it’s liberals, liberals blame republicans, to religious people its Atheists and to Atheists its religious people you get where I am going with that.

    I think it’s about time people stopped looking for others to blame started concentrating on a resolve rather than making more hysteria and personal opinions. Opinions aren’t facts; just as blaming someone else wont solve any problem we face as a society. It’s our fault the world is this way, us collectively as people; so lets come together and fix it.

  23. well, for starters, feminism is to blame for the Spanish Inquisition, global warming, overfishing, WWII, cancer, and the murder rate.  didn't you know?

    consider the source when wondering why feminism gets blamed for so much - it only happens here in YA-YA-land, not the real world.  You need to start spending time in other forums to get your sense of self and intelligence back.  Staying in here too long has been known to result in spontaneous brain death.

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