
Why does food smell so good when in goes in, but smells so bad when it comes out?

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Why does food smell so good when in goes in, but smells so bad when it comes out?




  1. you cooked it wrong as i am always told  

  2. because of the acids your stomach gives to be able to digest it

  3. Actually sometimes it kinda smells the same

  4. Sayeth the Wikipedia: The distinctive odor of f***s is due to bacterial action. Gut flora produce compounds such as indole, skatole, and thiols (sulfur-containing compounds), as well as the inorganic gas hydrogen sulfide. These are the same compounds that are responsible for the odor of flatulence.

    But a more interesting question is why these compounds do smell bad. There are many coprophagous (p**p eating) animals, usually ones with very low dietary quality so they pass the stuff through a second time to extract more of the nutrients. We can't ask animals why they do it, but one can reasonably assume that it smells like something good to eat to them.

    Humans on the other hand have high quality diets and pretty efficient digestion. Also f***s are a great source for diseases, parasites, and plagues. You can then reasonably assume that we (or some long-ago ancestor of ours) evolved a sense of smell that found these aromatic compounds disgusting.

    Aren't you glad you asked?

  5. good question, lol.



  6. The reason is simple. The one that comes out is the parts of the food that our body doesn't use mixed with things like dead red blood cells and other toxins. Also, foods high in fiber sweep out the toxic and harmful substances out of our body and carry it with them.

  7. The bacteria in you intestines absorb all the nutrients and the rest comes out as waste. Food also mixes with bile from the gall bladder. If you've ever thrown up real hard, that nasty taste is not only acid from your stomach, it's also bile.  

  8. It is definitely due to the bacteria and acids in your system. You are what you eat. If you don't want your f***s to smell bad eat healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables. If you eat garbage you will smell like garbage.  

  9. It got changed!

    Especially if it made it all the way.

  10. good question...

    have no clue, u should ask a

    maybe... it just mixes with all the chemicals and acids and goes through the tubes in ur body tht may have wrotten food in for years tht make it smell bad... idk  

  11. The reason why is the bacteria living in your body. Bacteria in your gut breaks down the food you eat, in return they release methane gas and carbon dioxide which can give a rather nasty smell.

    Basically when you defecate (for lack of a better word), there are still some bacteria on the "remains" still giving off methane and CO2.

    Bacteria are responsible for many bad smells in and on the body, ie: Bad breath, smelly feet, stinky armpits, etc.

    Hope I helped!  

  12. Newsflash: it is not food when it comes out.

    At least, it is not human food (flies may think otherwise). It underwent some drastic chemical alterations, and bacteria had a field day in it.

    The point is that "good" and "bad" are relative terms. What smells good is what is meant to be good for you, and the perception of smell is actually a variable notion. Ever been sick of eating too much candy? Then the mere smell of chocolate at that point could have made you sick, chocolate no longer smelled "good".

    Smell is the most primitive of all senses, it was the first to evolve hundred of million of years ago, and bing first, got first dibs on connection with the brain. The result of this is that smells are more closely associated with memories and body functions than anything else, and will trigger the most (sometime seemingly irrational) powerful responses.

  13. There is metabolism of nutrients in our bowel.

    Trace amounts of elements like sulfur is included in our f***s, also acids and bacteria, which make it smelly.  

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