
Why does freshwater and saltwater never mix together?

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Why does freshwater and saltwater never mix together?




  1. 1. put in glas & stir, it mix good

    2. Salt water is heveeer, so wen tide kum in, it tend tu stae on bottom & fresh water (such as a river) tend tu be on top.  This is temp.  Good wind make waves & mix it up.


  2. They will eventually mix via diffusion.  But fresh water rides over salt water due to difference in density.

  3. they do.  it just takes time.

  4. I assume you are talking about geographic features. Usually freshwater rivers will empty into the saltwater oceans directly. But there are some places, especially our east coast, where the saltwater lingers in secluded areas with the freshwater. These are called estuaries(sp?).

  5. they do. its called brackish water.

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