
Why does global warming start every summer?

by  |  earlier

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It never used to get hot in the summer before.




  1. because ppl drink to much beer and and dont recycle :)

  2. Because there is more greenhouse gas added to the atmosphere every day. The gasses trap heat and it makes it hotter.

  3. Summers are always hot where I live and always have been. We have a record high of 110 F in July of 1917 and a record low of   -47F in January of 1912. That's a spread of 157 degrees.

  4. BIG CITIES ARE SO MUCH HOTTER ANY WAY- black top pavement - pollution -buildings that block out breezes. I fear that the people in big cities such as NY city and LA will feel the effects of Global warming to a greater degree.

    I like country living but see the benefit of living in these great cities as well. How ever we are all starting to feel the effects of Global warming.

    Right now the mountain forests are burning again here in the South West. It is over whelming. Fire fighters are telling us that the forest fires are becoming much more numerous and hard to fight. Change needs to happen now - or I do not want to consider what - this up and coming generation- will have to face and live with from the drastic effects of Global warming. I am getting older and have lived much of my live -but I care about the younger generation and the Earth .Change needs to happen now , for them and this wonderful planet we live on.

  5. Actually it's pretty far below the average temp. where I live. We've felt temperatures in the lower 50's just 3 days ago, and upper 30's in the evening. Now today it was 80, but our average is 90 at this time.

  6. I lol'd.

    It's not summer everywhere, ya know...

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