
Why does global warming threaten to make our compases obsolete?

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Has something to do with the North Pole, but I NEED MORE. Thanks!




  1. The magnetic north will melt off

  2. It doesn't.  The shifting of the magnetic poles does.  The earth's magnetic field is not as strong as it was 1000 years ago.  They have flipped around in the past, and that's probably what it's doing now.  It has nothing to do with global warming.

  3. According to National Geographic TV, (i think) the poles are quite possibly in the process of switching polarity. It does this every 250,000 years, and it hasn't happened in 750,000 years. So we're behind a little. The earths magnetic field is 10% weaker. It is this field that protects us from solar radiation. Scientist who believe in AGW have done tests to prove that this is not responsisble for global warming. It can only be the minute amount of co2 humans emit, and they are VERY  sure of themselves. They say the subject is closed.

  4. The weight of the ice at the North Pole and the South Pole stablize the Earth on its axis.  As this ice melts the poles will become lighter in weight and it will force the Earth to shift dramatically on its axis.  So, it could result in what we now call the Equator turning into the new North and South Poles.

  5. Global Warming has no effect on the earths magnetic field, which influences the movement of common magnetic compasses.  The magnetic field is a function of the motion of earths outer core which is heated by the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium in the earths inner core.

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