
Why does going "Green" cost so much?

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Recycling doesn't cost, true, but buying organic food, cleaning products and other "green" items are so expensive. I already recycle and when my other light bulbs burn out I am going to start buying the murcury ones. What else can I do to help the environment without going broke?




  1. Going green cost so much because you are not only trying to make up for what everyone is presently doing to the environment, but what they have done in the past. You see, when we pay for products, the effect on the environment is not reflected in that cost, because most of us humans do not care what it costs the earth to make our products. It's not like the earth sends us a bill each month saying "Yeah, this is what you did to me this month to make your soda cans and automobiles, so here's an invoice to fix it, k thanks bye." No, we just continually consume the earth and pollute it as long as we get what we want. So, if you want to try and make a difference, you just aren't fixing the problem now, but you are making up for what has happened. All of these "echo friendly products" actually cost what all other products would cost if all  manufacturers in the world would take into consideration the cost on the environment. Are you asleep yet?

  2. Good question I am going broke just trying to survive in these days.  I would love to convert to green but cannot even afford organic food all the time and I am very health wise due to a medical condition

  3. going "green" is not so costy, it is actually rather less if you mean by less carbon polluting substances than yesthis is the case. Not using cars. Using a bike would be more sufficient. Horse can go up to 60mph like cars. many others too. meat is more costy than greens and is more polluting.

  4. i know what you mean,

    Aucally, organic products only cost much because it's lowing the calories, and to do that, you need types of ingredients that doesn't not come cheap, for rugular foods, it is just your basic things. Cleaning products are just that way, it may be the bran that you buy that might be expensive. but not all green produce are so much money

    Hope i helped!

  5. Look outside supermarket shelves - farmers markets don't cost as much.

    Cleaning product cost?  Try bicarbonated soda and vinegar for most household cleaning including glass.  Cost? About $3 for a month...

  6. actually going green SAVES you money...

    here is a link on ways that are easy and save money..

    just so you know.. if you GROW YOUR OWN VEGES.. its WAY cheaper, than buying from store.. organic or regular PLUS its "greener" since store veges mean somebody has to ship them to the store.. you have to drive to the store to get them, etc...

    so growing your own saves YOU money AND saves the planet...

    plus its fun and easy..

    check the link for other money SAVING ideas.. easy to do also..

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