
Why does hardly anyone travel by train anymore?

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It seems that like everyone would rather travel by plane. I understand that people need to get places and that plane is faster, but travelling by train is just so much more relaxing. I mean, if it's a long trip at least it's convenient, like overnight, at least you get a bed if you choose to, unlike planes, and you're free to walk around without those tiny little aisles with people on both sides. And the sights! It's so amazing just to sit, relax, and watch the world. I just think that everyone who would rather go by plane than train is missing so much!




  1. well one reason is that it is just too expensive, and after the development of highways and freeways in the late 1960's, the rail transportation industry went down, and most people now days have cars.

  2. I think it comes down to time and money.  Riding the train usually takes longer and from a cost standpoint is not necessarily any cheaper than flying.  When I'm traveling the Northeast corridor, I'm definitely a fan of Amtrak, but there's no way I'd try to take a train cross country.  If I'm traveling that same route with other people, however, it's a bit more economical to rent a car and drive.

  3. In the US, we have very limited train options in most parts of the country. Amtrak is very prone to delays, at it only owns a relatively small part of its rail network.

    Passenger rail also does not get the subsidies air and cars get, making it a relatively pricey choice.

  4. Yay!  I love going by train!  I know you're talking about long journeys, but I also commute by train.  There's a group of about 6 of us who all sit together and have a laugh every morning and we always arrive at work relaxed and happy.  How good is that?

  5. I think people just don't take time to smell the coffee anymore. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere?

    I simple think it is because trains are a slow way of travel.

  6. That's not a question. That's a rant.

  7. If you have compared $ to $ and Time to Time. The answer is easy.

  8. over 50 years ago, traveling by train was "the thing" to do.  back then, you had many different railroads running passenger trains all over the place, so it was easy to get a train somewhere.  the airplane was improved, and the railroads shut down and merged with each other in the 60's and early 70's, and amtrak became the only major passenger railroad in america.  the airplanes improved, and amtrak got worse.  in europe, the trains improved too, and any train you take out there is electrified and high speed.  in america, the trains became ignored and didn't improve with the airplane.  now, people prefer airplane because it is faster and better.  if, and i emphasize if, america ever reaches europe in railroads, the train will probably start to become more popular.

  9. Traveling by train is UBER expensive.  Compare the cost of a ticket on a train with the cost of a  ticket on any other form of travel, and you'll see a huge disparity.  This is because the NTSB budget has favored roads and airlines, and not rail travel.  If rail-travel got the kind of federal money allocated to airlines and roads, the price would go down, and ridership would go up.

  10. Time and money. I live in Chicago, my brother used to live in Roanoke, VA. To fly from Chicago to Roanoke takes about one & one-half hours and costs around $200.00. To go by train takes about 22 hours (if there are no delays) and the nearest train station is about 75 miles from Roanoke. The cost is more than twice that of flying.

  11. i agree, i love trains, but planes are much more convenient,  i think the main reason is that most everyone has a car nowadays.

  12. Because the federal goverment would rather subsidize the airlines ( building and maintain airports)  rather than Amtrak.

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