
Why does harry potter wear circular glasses?

by  |  earlier

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because it represents umthin he dusnt hav

wat do ya think, funni or lame?




  1. So he can see better. (too improve his eyesight.)


  2. It doesn't take awhile to think about it. It's a pretty simple joke. Any time a guy says something he doesn't have - it always means the same thing. Boys, boys, boys....

    Any way, I vote lame. Sorry.

  3. I think he has bad eyesight and heed need the glassed to see?

    You think with all those power he could fix his eyesight

  4. ?????????

    HP rules :P

  5. Too much is being read into this. He needed glasses, they happened to be round. To infer they represent a portion of male anatomy, that is not really round is stretching it. A piece of vision fashion is just that. Remember this is a children's book.  

  6. Balls?

    From his treatment that he received from the Dursleys, I'd say that Circular glasses were the least expensive glasses available.

  7. If they represented something he doesn't have, shouldn't they be oval and vertical?

  8. Okay, I'm beating myself up over this, what does it mean?! I just don't get it! Is it supposed to be balls?

  9. haha i get it you have a very dirty mind !BAD MAN!


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