
Why does he act like this does he like me????

by  |  earlier

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I was talking to this guy I like and I have been so busy and he sent me a text message asking me to call him when I wasn’t busy so I called him up and asked him how things were going and we talked for around 10mintes but at the end of the chat he asked my why I don’t call him? And I told him that I was busy and he said ok in a sad voice and I said that I would try to call him more often and I told him to call me when he wanted to but when I was about to hang up he said promise me you will call more and I said sure and he said you better and he want quite does he like me?




  1. yeh, definitely he loves you that's why he wanna talk to you

  2. it sure sounds like  this guy has fallen for you, and i would say pretty hard too. good luck

  3. duh isnt it obvious he totally likes you

    you go girl ^_^

  4. Maybe he is worried that you spend time with others when he wants you to spend time with him.

    This definitely sounds like he likes you. I mean, why would he want you to call him WHENEVER your not busy if he doesn't like you?

    He likes you but he sounds like the kind of guy that gets worried you might like someone else or your not interested in him but he's interested in you.

    If he asked you to promise then he really wants you to call him and that only means he wants to here your voice or know whats up with you. This is a good thing if you like him!

    Go for it!

  5. He  obviously like you b/c he wants to talk to you.

  6. Yes he definately likes you!

  7. Of course he likes you.

  8. He really loves u.Maybe he dont want to tell u now but i think he may later.Or maybe he wants to tell you but he's really shy.

  9. Yes, he definetly likes you. But hes not a very "go out and get em" type of guy. So if you like a strong personality take charge type of guy, you may not want to pursue this relationship.  

  10. your relationship need some time

  11. yup, he does he thinks your trying to avoid him as in your not interested, if you are interested( i think you are) call him more and say sorry i will call and you call me whenever you please:D

  12. Well, I guess he really does. Calling you is a sign, I guess. You have to wait for a few more days and signs to be sure.

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