
Why does he ask me during s*x?

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My live in bf and I have a good s*x life...if you will. During s*x he will always ask(never fails to ask) if I love him. He will say, "You love me?" or "I love you love me?" It almost always in a very romantic way. I am just wondering from others, what do you make of this? Why do men ask this while having s*x? (If it's even common) lol

Thanks in advance!




  1. that would get annoying.

    say you love him before he has a chance to ask. lol.

  2. lol, i do the same thing sometimes with my wife, it mean he REALLY loves you, this is because s*x is better when you do it with someone you love rather than with someone else, why not asking him?

  3. i am a guy usually from experince i can say that man say that to make them excited if u say yes,,then they feel more comfortable in making love ...

  4. i would imagine he is insecure and hasd probably been hurt before when he loved someone and they did not feel the same way(he told them and they rejected him)

    this could be the reason

  5. They just like to be assured that's all.

    Its always good to remind a person you love them

  6. thats kind of strange but maybe he just thinks you think its s**y when he says it. if you dont like that then just tell him.

  7. i guess he wants to feel assured...

    i have a similar situation...but my bf tends to tell me he loves me 40 times during s*x instead of asking me.

    ....idk lol.

  8. hahaha that sounds soooo awkward lol

    i guess it just makes the whole experience that much better for him with that conformation??  

  9. he may be insecure. like he HAS to know that you love him at all times, just to reassure himself that you do indeed still love him. if you dont like it just tell him like 'hey u know i love you so id kinda like it if you didnt ask me every time we did it'. thats my opinion

  10. If he says it in a romantic way what is the problem?  You don't like to hear it?  Perhaps it is a habit he has.  Perhaps it is for his reassurance but you did not say he sounded needy.  s*x is the ultimate expression of love and intimacy.  It is our most vulnerable moment.  So, he takes that opportunity to ask you this.  Ask him why if you want to know.  Count your blessings.  You could just hear some grunts and then he goes to sleep if you prefer.

  11. man, i wanna see how he's gonna act if you guys brake up one day, he gonna turn into the joker

  12. I have had guys do it occasionally, but not every could be a good thing though, it sounds like he really relates love to s*x...a lot of guys will have s*x with anyone willing, but it sounds like he wants to be in love to have s*x, which if that's the case, means he will be extremely faithful!

  13. Maybe insecure in relationship? I never ask so don't think it's commen. I do ask if there is something she wants to make it better. Mm, wonder what that means?

  14. i asked that b4. its normal. it depends on the sit, if it looks like the 2 are about to break up but suddenly have s*x, they still want to know if she cares or what ever. or guys say it just to let them know that s*x is not all they want and that they want to be intimate and affectionate with you. I said it both ways, to show that s*x is not what im all about and wondered if she still cared (had problems etc)

  15. I believe it is because he connects s*x and love more directly than most. Not uncommon for men who may have had an unstable upbringing, divorced parents or an unhappy childhood. Because he connects the s*x act with affection so strongly he needs it to be connected for you too. The actual s*x act (physical pleasure) is not satifying unless it is with someone he is truly in love with. Assuring him you love him outside of the bedroom will help. Tell him you want to "make love". You can also tell him you will show him you love him with your body but that having to reaffirm it with words during the act ruins the mood and you want to concentrate on being "all there" with him.

  16. ...well...i'm guessing he probably had a bad experience with the girl he gave his virginity too (he is probably a romantic that lake most girls wants to save it for somone special but they werent sp[ecial) and he wants to be the person he's making love to he is REALLY making love not just a night of pleasure and lust...otherwise you two were the ones lost your virginity too well i got another idea why, he probably questions if he's having saex with the one he loves, bla bla bla, you get were i'm going, he is probably a guy who breaks the sterotype and wants be with the one he loves and not just a ho looking for a pole to fill her hole and if all else fail just ask him why does he ask it

  17. iv never asked that during s*x... im sure he jsut gets off on it. say no one time... see what happends lol jk. but yeah just as soon as he is about to say it jsut say yes. or juse ask him random questions during s*x like "did you watch american idol last night?"... id do it lol

  18. Lol. I never asked that during s*x. Maybe that his way of getting reassurance. Or just his way of, dirty talk? lol

  19. It sounds like he has self esteem issues. If you love him, just entertain his silly questions. I know some guys who like to be told they are "good boys" which was creepy to me when I was younger, but now I think its kinda cute.  

  20. He is insecure and wants to hear it over and over again. His emotions are probably through the roof when he is having s*x with you and he needs the reassurance that you love him

  21. its a way to see if you had a good time.

    guys want to give good s*x.

    and when ur having s*x you always feel so good, u just want to be sure that the other person is feeling the same way, and doesn't want to leave you all of a sudden.

    you get paranoid cuz s*x is kinda a big deal, and you dont want to think that the other person is on a whole different page.

  22. I've never ask during. Maybe he can't perform if his partner doesn't love him. It could be worst, he could be a total freak, or loser.  

  23. It's not common..

  24. Woman give s*x to feel love

    Men give Love to get s*x.

    It's making you feel loved.

  25. Big turn on for him

  26. well thats a tricky one you should juss out right ask him why he says it...maybe its way of askin you if your enjoying wat he is doing in a weird way that might b the case...if he is an in secure person maybe he feels like its the time to ask, s*x is one of those things where everything just stops and its just about 2 people hehe or more sharing something no one else is sharing

  27. To make sure you don't do it with anybody else, perhaps.

  28. maybe he has suspicions....

    thats the only reason i can think of....

    does he have any reason to believe

    you 'wouldnt love him' i guess???

  29. i think he sounds self concious and wants to make sure you still love him and he's doing everything right. i mean that's what i make of it anyway

  30. yeah i kinda get that too! only my boyfriend tells me he loves multiple times during s*x. outside of s*x i'll hear it every now and again, but i never hear the end of it during the s*x.

    guys are weird.

    you should switch the question around on him before he asks you.

  31. That's not so strange. It's nice to hear them say it back while things are going on.

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