
Why does he avoid me sometimes? (guys opinion preferred..)?

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My friend/ ex bf is acting really weird lately... ever since he told me he wasn't ready for a relationship. One day we'll talk and act like best friends or something and he even got kind of jealous when another guy asked me out.. but the next day he is blocking me on IM and avoiding me? does it make sense at all? And when I ask him if he needs his space he tells me he doesn't at all and I need to stop panicking and relax. Why does he do this?




  1. So your friend with your friend ex- boyfriend? um! I think he likes you but he just scared to tell you and his trying to hold on  his world that his not ready yet for relationship.Or he just giving you a hard time well if still doing that just let him you don't need to keep asking him why? leave him for a while and give him a some  space  to think and grow up.Part of it jealousy and immaturity . Why he does that well I think you need to ask him about  it and have some friends to friend conversation is good to be honest to each other than trying to chase him what is in his mind.

  2. is his name nick?

  3. its because he still wants you and its hard seeing you with someone else even though he couldnt be with you

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